Abell 1656: the Coma Cluster of Galaxies __ Simple Spectral Access Protocol (SSA)#
Stefania Amodeo¹, Thomas Boch¹, Caroline Bot¹, Giulia Iafrate², Katharina A. Lutz¹, Manon Marchand¹, Massimo Ramella², and Jenny G.Sorce³⁴⁵
Université de Strasbourg, CNRS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, UMR 7550, F-67000, Strasbourg, France
INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Trieste
Univ. Lille, CNRS, Centrale Lille, UMR 9189 CRIStAL, F-59000 Lille, France
Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale, 91405, Orsay, France
Leibniz-Institut für Astrophysik (AIP), An der Sternwarte 16, D-14482 Potsdam, Germany
The original form of this tutorial authored by Massimo Ramella & Giulia Iafrate can be found on the EURO-VO tutorials page. The version here is an adaptation into a jupyter notebook by the Strasbourg astronomical Data Center (CDS) team.
The Coma Cluster is an ensemble of over 1000 galaxies that takes its name from the constellation Coma Berenices.
The goals of this notebook tutorial are to:
examine the Coma cluster of galaxies (Abell 1656) using services and data from the virtual observatory within a jupyter notebook. This allows a quick evaluation of the mean redshift and velocity dispersion of the cluster. Both measurements are important to study the evolution of galaxy clusters. To do so we use redshifts and photometry (Petrosian r magnitude) from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and then add redshifts from the Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey (CAIRNS) (Rines et al. 2003). This improves the completeness of the redshift sample,
research the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST) for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra in the region of the Coma cluster,
download a spectrum from MAST and do a quick analysis of the redshift of the emission lines in the spectrum.
# Astronomy tools
from astropy import units as u
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy.table import vstack
# Access astronomical databases
import pyvo
from astroquery.simbad import Simbad
from astroquery.vizier import Vizier
from astroquery.xmatch import XMatch
# Sky visualization
from ipyaladin import Aladin
# For plots
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Data handling
import numpy as np
import specutils.analysis as spec_ana
from scipy.optimize import curve_fit
from specutils import SpectralRegion, Spectrum1D
Step #1: Exploration of the Coma cluster#
Display the region of Abell 1656 in Aladin lite#
We start by displaying the Coma Cluster in an Aladin Lite widget. We will display DSS2 color images (survey='P/DSS2/color'
) centered on Abell 1656 (target='A1656'
) and set the field of view to \(0.7^\circ\) (fov=0.7
At this distance, this field of view corresponds to approximately 1Mpc: this is large enough to look at the cluster.
If you are using Jupyter lab you can open a second python3 notebook. On this new notebook click the “Python 3” button in the top-right corner of this notebook to switch kernel. A new window will pop up and you can then select this notebook (i.e. “Abel1656…”) as a kernel. This will link the two notebooks such that they see the same variables. You may use the second notebook to look at Aladin Lite widget while doing the analysis in this notebook.
aladin = Aladin(target="A1656", fov=0.7, survey="P/DSS2/color")
You can already see galaxies composing the cluster, and a few stars, like for example the bright HD112887 star (click for a surprise Simbad query). But there is more! As with any Aladin Lite implementation, you can interact with this widget.
to zoom in and out, place your mouse pointer on the image and scroll,
you can right-click on a point to grab it and center the reticule on it,
you can select other image surveys,
if you would like to look at another target, you can use the search field
to get there.
We can also interact with the variable aladin
. If, for example, after zooming in and out, you wanted to set the FoV (field of view) again to \(0.7^\circ\), run:
aladin.fov = 0.4
and look back up … or call the variable aladin
again to pop a new widget window. You’ll remark that the field of view and reticule position are synchronized, but not the survey if you change if manually with . It can allow the exploration of the same region in two different wavelengths.
Load the SDSS catalog and select galaxies#
In this section, we will access the SDSS DR12 catalog from the VizieR catalog service. We will download all entries that are located within 40arcmin of the center of the cluster A1656. We start by querying VizieR for all catalogs that match the term SDSS DR12
Since this query takes a few seconds, we will store its results in the variable catalog_list_sdss
for further analysis.
catalog_list_sdss = Vizier.find_catalogs("SDSS DR12")
OrderedDict([('II/294', </>),
('V/139', </>),
('V/147', </>),
('V/154', </>),
('VII/289', </>)])
The output is not easily readable. Let’s inspect a bit more this object.
print(f"The catalog is returned and stored in a {type(catalog_list_sdss)}")
The catalog is returned and stored in a <class 'collections.OrderedDict'>
This is not easy to read. Let’s list the methods these objects have with the build-in dir
Among the possible methods, we chose to print the description
, but feel free to explore the catalog list in any other way :)
# Let's display a list of the catalogs' names and descriptions
for key, catalog in catalog_list_sdss.items():
print(key, ": ", catalog.description)
II/294 : The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 7 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2009)
V/139 : The SDSS Photometric Catalog, Release 9 (Adelman-McCarthy+, 2012)
V/147 : The SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12 (Alam+, 2015)
V/154 : Sloan Digital Sky Surveys (SDSS), Release 16 (DR16) (Ahumada+, 2020)
VII/289 : SDSS quasar catalog, sixteenth data release (DR16Q) (Lyke+, 2020)
We are interested in data from the main SDSS DR12 photometric catalog: “The SDSS Photometric Catalogue, Release 12 (Alam+, 2015)”. We query its content in 10arcmin around the center of the Coma Cluster.
coordinates = SkyCoord.from_name("A1656")
results_test_sdss = Vizier.query_region(coordinates, radius="0d10m0s", catalog="V/147")
TableList with 1 tables:
'0:V/147/sdss12' with 23 column(s) and 50 row(s)
As you see, there is only one table in our resulting list of tables. Moreover, this table has only 50 rows, an extremely small number! It is actually due to the default limit in the number of rows of the Vizier.query_region
function. For now, we will use this small table to see what columns could be interesting. We will query without a row limit once we know what we need. This is a general good practice and allows to avoid unneccesary manipulation of huge tables.
To access the unique table in the list, we select the first table of the catalogue with results_test_sdss[0]
. And we can again print the list of available methods for this object:
['Column', 'ColumnClass', 'MaskedColumn', 'Row', 'TableColumns', 'TableFormatter', '__array__', '__bytes__', '__class__', '__copy__', '__deepcopy__', '__delattr__', '__delitem__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__getstate__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__setitem__', '__setstate__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_base_repr_', '_check_names_dtype', '_column_class', '_convert_col_for_table', '_convert_data_to_col', '_convert_string_dtype', '_copy_indices', '_first_colname', '_get_col_cls_for_table', '_init_from_cols', '_init_from_dict', '_init_from_list', '_init_from_list_of_dicts', '_init_from_ndarray', '_init_indices', '_ipython_key_completions_', '_is_list_or_tuple_of_str', '_is_mixin_for_table', '_make_index_row_display_table', '_make_table_from_cols', '_mask', '_masked', '_meta', '_new_from_slice', '_replace_cols', '_replace_column_warnings', '_repr_html_', '_rows_equal', '_set_col_parent_table_and_mask', '_set_column_attribute', '_set_masked', '_set_of_names_in_colnames', '_set_row', 'add_column', 'add_columns', 'add_index', 'add_row', 'argsort', 'as_array', 'colnames', 'columns', 'convert_bytestring_to_unicode', 'convert_unicode_to_bytestring', 'copy', 'dtype', 'field', 'filled', 'formatter', 'from_pandas', 'group_by', 'groups', 'has_masked_columns', 'has_masked_values', 'has_mixin_columns', 'iloc', 'index_column', 'index_mode', 'indices', 'info', 'insert_row', 'items', 'itercols', 'iterrows', 'keep_columns', 'keys', 'loc', 'loc_indices', 'mask', 'masked', 'meta', 'more', 'pformat', 'pformat_all', 'pprint', 'pprint_all', 'pprint_exclude_names', 'pprint_include_names', 'primary_key', 'read', 'remove_column', 'remove_columns', 'remove_indices', 'remove_row', 'remove_rows', 'rename_column', 'rename_columns', 'replace_column', 'reverse', 'round', 'show_in_browser', 'show_in_notebook', 'sort', 'to_pandas', 'update', 'values', 'values_equal', 'write']
Let’s see its columns:
['RA_ICRS', 'DE_ICRS', 'mode', 'q_mode', 'class', 'SDSS12', 'm_SDSS12', 'ObsDate', 'Q', 'umag', 'e_umag', 'gmag', 'e_gmag', 'rmag', 'e_rmag', 'imag', 'e_imag', 'zmag', 'e_zmag', 'zsp', 'zph', 'e_zph', '<zph>']
But since the names don’t mean a lot by themselves, let’s also look at another method, the info
one that gives more detailed information about each column. If these descriptions are still not clear, you can also have a look directly at the SDSS DR12 webpage.
<Table length=50>
name dtype unit format description n_bad
-------- ------- ---- -------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----
RA_ICRS float64 deg {:10.6f} Right Ascension of the object (ICRS) at Epoch="ObsDate" (ra) 0
DE_ICRS float64 deg {:10.6f} Declination of the object (ICRS) at Epoch="ObsDate" (dec) 0
mode uint8 [1/2] 1: primary (469,053,874 sources), 2: secondary (324,960,094 sources) 0
q_mode str1 [+] '+' indicates clean photometry (310,190,812 sources with mode 1+) (clean) 0
class uint8 Type of object (3=galaxy, 6=star) (1) 0
SDSS12 str19 SDSS-DR12 name, based on J2000 position 0
m_SDSS12 str1 [*] The asterisk indicates that 2 different SDSS objects share the same SDSS12 name 0
ObsDate float64 yr {:9.4f} Mean Observation date (6) 0
Q uint8 [1/3] Quality of the observation: 1=bad 2=acceptable 3=good 0
umag float32 mag {:6.3f} [4/38]? Model magnitude in u filter, AB scale (u) (5) 0
e_umag float32 mag {:6.3f} ? Mean error on umag (err_u) 0
gmag float32 mag {:6.3f} [5/40]? Model magnitude in g filter, AB scale (g) (5) 0
e_gmag float32 mag {:6.3f} ? Mean error on gmag (err_g) 0
rmag float32 mag {:6.3f} [4/39]? Model magnitude in r filter, AB scale (r) (5) 0
e_rmag float32 mag {:6.3f} ? Mean error on rmag (err_r) 0
imag float32 mag {:6.3f} [3/40]? Model magnitude in i filter, AB scale (i) (5) 0
e_imag float32 mag {:6.3f} ? Mean error on imag (err_i) 0
zmag float32 mag {:6.3f} [3/38]? Model magnitude in z filter, AB scale (z) (5) 0
e_zmag float32 mag {:6.3f} ? Mean error on zmag (err_z) 0
zsp float64 {:8.5f} [-0.02/7.1]? Spectroscopic redshift (when SpObjID>0) (7) 49
zph float64 {:10.4f} [-9999/]? Photometric redshift; estimated by robust fit to nearest neighbors in a reference set (12) 14
e_zph float64 {:10.4f} [-9999/]? Estimated error of the photometric redshift (zErr) (12) 14
<zph> float32 {:7.4f} [0.009/0.9]? average redshift of the nearest neighbors; if significantly different from zph this might be a better estimate than zph (nnAvgZ) 14
For our current goal, we will need the coordinates (RA_ICRS
), r-band magnitudes (rmag
),and redshifts (zsp
) of the galaxies in the Coma cluster. Hence, we only keep these columns.
SDSS furthermore provides information on the type of source (galaxies correspond to class
= 3, see the info
output above) so we’ll want to keep these.
Additionally, and this information is specific to the SDSS survey (see their website), some objects are observed more than once because of the overlaps between plates. To avoid these duplicates, we select only the primary observation of each object (corresponding to mode
= 1).
A first way of obtaining unique records (mode
= 1) for the galaxies (class
= 3) would be to apply masks on the precedent test table:
masked_sdss = results_test_sdss[0]
masked_sdss = masked_sdss[(masked_sdss["mode"] == 1) & (masked_sdss["class"] == 3)]
# note the important double [] here
masked_sdss[["RA_ICRS", "DE_ICRS", "rmag", "zsp"]].pprint()
RA_ICRS DE_ICRS rmag zsp
deg deg mag
---------- ---------- ------ --------
194.961678 27.747497 19.066 --
194.964509 27.751451 19.493 --
194.962575 27.751330 21.734 --
194.965196 27.760211 21.384 --
194.954276 27.747906 21.882 --
194.951946 27.750161 22.809 --
194.922187 27.749474 22.965 --
194.942831 27.746250 17.506 0.03241
194.933771 27.768774 19.309 --
194.933090 27.770824 21.850 --
194.935862 27.776044 22.723 --
194.937190 27.763455 18.725 --
194.943470 27.767449 22.245 --
... ... ... ...
194.854694 27.768164 19.529 --
194.845007 27.770924 21.648 --
194.853360 27.783894 20.951 --
194.887198 27.773811 22.664 --
194.905555 27.757574 19.560 --
194.905083 27.759304 20.144 --
194.906373 27.759380 22.632 --
194.905415 27.754786 22.924 --
194.890201 27.755278 22.117 --
194.892054 27.757366 21.550 --
194.894186 27.760119 22.314 --
194.909914 27.762054 20.590 --
194.911237 27.760531 22.450 --
194.901115 27.751032 21.240 --
Length = 36 rows
But here is a second option using a specialized instance of the Vizier class in which we will lift the restriction on the number of rows.
To know how to do so, always use the help function help(Vizier)
# help(Vizier)
# that we comment here because the output is very long
In this documentation we can directly read that we should give the columns
names as a list, the column_filters
as a dictionary, and the row_limit
as an int. It is even specified that row_limit
= -1 puts no limit on the number of rows. So let us do this:
vizier_instance = Vizier(
columns=["RA_ICRS", "DE_ICRS", "rmag", "zsp"],
column_filters={"class": "==3", "mode": "==1"},
Now that we have prepared everything, we can query VizieR for all galaxies, which are primary sources and within 40arcmin of the center of the Coma cluster. Note that VizieR knows that A1656
is the center of the Coma cluster. If you wanted to search at some other place in the sky, you could also give coordinates (in the form of Astropy’s SkyCoord
) instead of 'A1656'
results_coma_sdss = vizier_instance.query_region(
TableList with 1 tables:
'0:V/147/sdss12' with 4 column(s) and 23812 row(s)
As you can see, the result of our query includes data from one catalog for almost 24000 objects! (i.e. the table has around 24000 row). The output from this query is again a list of Astropy Table objects. We assign the table to the variable sdss
and work with this from here on.
sdss = results_coma_sdss[0]
RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | rmag | zsp |
deg | deg | mag | |
float64 | float64 | float32 | float64 |
194.772004 | 27.272475 | 19.438 | -- |
194.775059 | 27.265924 | 20.488 | -- |
194.765176 | 27.269949 | 22.247 | -- |
194.763613 | 27.264614 | 22.862 | -- |
195.116104 | 27.271787 | 17.800 | 0.02587 |
195.102259 | 27.264699 | 22.475 | -- |
195.106752 | 27.269004 | 21.150 | -- |
195.119253 | 27.277194 | 22.266 | -- |
195.168433 | 27.286515 | 21.790 | -- |
195.170481 | 27.281149 | 20.844 | -- |
195.183926 | 27.287331 | 20.588 | -- |
195.184575 | 27.292548 | 21.911 | -- |
195.182210 | 27.297204 | 22.884 | -- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
194.612376 | 28.503196 | 24.925 | -- |
194.561193 | 28.490618 | 21.964 | -- |
194.569723 | 28.487292 | 22.456 | -- |
194.563037 | 28.489240 | 22.078 | -- |
194.569628 | 28.493457 | 21.425 | -- |
194.630739 | 28.519832 | 21.454 | -- |
194.630746 | 28.511081 | 19.985 | -- |
194.630616 | 28.507562 | 19.779 | -- |
194.649549 | 28.521074 | 21.350 | -- |
194.639055 | 28.514099 | 21.518 | -- |
194.642312 | 28.521855 | 21.406 | -- |
194.646981 | 28.521450 | 22.247 | -- |
194.665958 | 28.535445 | 22.229 | -- |
By navigating this table, you’ll remark that very few entries have a spectroscopic redshift zsp
. Thus we will complete the results later with information from another table. But we’ll first ensure the validity of the entries here.
Identify the brightest sources as stars contaminating the sample#
limit_magnitude = 11.5
stars = sdss[sdss["rmag"] < limit_magnitude]
aladin.add_table(stars, color="purple", shape="cross", name="sdss", source_size=12)
f"Our sample contains {len(stars)} really bright sources with a magnitude below {limit_magnitude}.",
aladin.fov = 9
Our sample contains 9 really bright sources with a magnitude below 11.5.
With aladin.add_table(stars)
, we have added symbols to the Aladin Lite widget at the location of the brightest sources (i.e. stars). You will be able to find all the brightest sources. By looking at each source you will find that these are indeed stars. Feel free to change the limit magnitude or other parameters to see if you can find better filters, this one is pretty rudimentary.
You can choose to hide or show the symbols for the table entries in the options, the table appears as
, the name we gave it when we called add_table
Build a subset of galaxies with photometry and redshift in SDSS#
Now on to exploring the galaxies in our sample. We again build a subset, this time for all sources fainter than 11.5mag (to leave out the stars identified in the section above) but brighter than 17.77mag, which is the completeness limit of the SDSS spectroscopic sample.
sdss_sample = sdss[(sdss["rmag"] > 11.5) & (sdss["rmag"] < 17.77)]
RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | rmag | zsp |
deg | deg | mag | |
float64 | float64 | float32 | float64 |
195.205140 | 27.290719 | 17.136 | 0.14536 |
195.275800 | 27.397826 | 15.842 | 0.02706 |
195.065145 | 27.256672 | 17.726 | 0.02378 |
195.060211 | 27.280727 | 15.638 | 0.03704 |
195.026165 | 27.300713 | 15.149 | 0.02625 |
194.862938 | 27.259896 | 17.119 | 0.18807 |
194.899615 | 27.261861 | 17.226 | 0.21462 |
194.905631 | 27.336047 | 16.011 | 0.02326 |
195.128497 | 27.300180 | 17.767 | 0.02564 |
195.121706 | 27.333216 | 16.015 | 1.33693 |
195.074226 | 27.387516 | 15.367 | 0.03678 |
195.074954 | 27.385966 | 17.653 | -- |
195.219915 | 27.384368 | 17.561 | -- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
195.211504 | 28.419940 | 17.735 | 0.22162 |
195.182795 | 28.416333 | 16.103 | 0.02093 |
195.171933 | 28.455008 | 17.474 | 0.14457 |
195.170490 | 28.511943 | 17.620 | -- |
195.178155 | 28.510423 | 16.563 | -- |
195.017063 | 28.414089 | 15.433 | -- |
195.007641 | 28.434816 | 16.209 | 0.02699 |
195.059241 | 28.458066 | 17.747 | 0.02610 |
195.169506 | 28.519893 | 15.869 | -- |
194.922106 | 28.507195 | 15.010 | 0.02748 |
194.894937 | 28.537282 | 17.397 | -- |
194.898630 | 28.551365 | 14.960 | 0.02530 |
194.508327 | 28.456361 | 16.738 | 0.16127 |
Improve the completeness with other sources of redshifts in Vizier#
As you can see in the table above, not all galaxies in our zsp17 sample have redshift measurements (some rows have ‘–’ in the ‘zsp’ column, i.e. they are masked). So to improve the completeness of our sample we will now use Vizier to search for redshifts in the Rines et al (2003) catalog. First, find all catalogs that match the search terms ‘redshifts Rines 2003’:
catalog_list_rines = Vizier.find_catalogs("Rines 2003")
for k, v in catalog_list_rines.items():
print(k, ": ", v.description)
J/ApJ/700/331 : Light curves of type Ia supernovae (CfA3) (Hicken+, 2009)
J/ApJ/757/22 : Strong and weak lensing analysis of A2261 (Coe+, 2012)
J/ApJ/767/15 : Hectospec Cluster Survey (HeCS) (Rines+, 2013)
J/ApJ/783/52 : Redshifts in the field of A383 (Geller+, 2014)
J/ApJ/797/106 : Redshifts in nine galaxy cluster fields (Hwang+, 2014)
J/ApJ/819/63 : Hectospec survey of SZ clusters (HeCS-SZ) (Rines+, 2016)
J/ApJ/855/100 : The HectoMAP cluster survey. II. X-ray clusters (Sohn+, 2018)
J/ApJ/856/172 : The HectoMAP cluster survey. I. (Sohn+, 2018)
J/ApJ/862/172 : HeCS-red: Hectospec surveys of redMaPPer clusters (Rines+, 2018)
J/ApJ/871/129 : A redshift catalog of the galaxy cluster A2029 (Sohn+, 2019)
J/ApJ/891/129 : The HeCS-omnibus catalog: SDSS & MMT sp. obs. (Sohn+, 2020)
J/ApJ/923/143 : HectoMAP Cluster Survey: clusters & BCGs (Sohn+, 2021)
J/ApJ/930/156 : MMT/Hectospec spectra of ACO 1489 (Rines+, 2022)
J/ApJS/229/20 : MMT/Hectospec redshift survey for Abell 2029 (Sohn+, 2017)
J/AJ/120/2338 : Abell 576 redshifts (Rines+, 2000)
J/AJ/124/1266 : Redshift survey around Abell 2199 (Rines+, 2002)
J/AJ/126/2152 : Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey. I (Rines+, 2003)
J/AJ/128/1078 : Cluster and Infall Region Nearby Survey. II (Rines+, 2004)
J/AJ/131/527 : UBVRI light curves of 44 type Ia supernovae (Jha+, 2006)
J/AJ/132/1275 : CIRS (Cluster Infall Regions in the SDSS). I. (Rines+, 2006)
J/AJ/135/1598 : Optical spectroscopy of type Ia supernovae (Matheson+, 2008)
J/AJ/135/1837 : Spectroscopy in A2199 and Virgo clusters (Rines+, 2008)
Among these, we find the ‘J/AJ/126/2152’ catalog: Cluster And Infall Region Nearby Survey. I (Rines+, 2003): the one we’d like to read.
So again, let’s take a quick look at this catalog.
results_test_rines = Vizier.query_region(
TableList with 2 tables:
'0:J/AJ/126/2152/clusters' with 10 column(s) and 1 row(s)
'1:J/AJ/126/2152/galaxies' with 6 column(s) and 50 row(s)
Cluster | n_Cluster | RAJ2000 | DEJ2000 | cz | sigmap(3s) | sigmap(ca) | LX | TX | R |
km / s | km / s | km / s | 1e+36 W | keV | |||||
str5 | str1 | str10 | str9 | int32 | int16 | int16 | float32 | float32 | uint8 |
A1656 | g | 12 59 31.9 | +27 54 10 | 6973 | 1042 | 957 | 18.0 | 8.0 | 2 |
RAJ2000 | DEJ2000 | cz | e_cz | r_cz | Cluster |
km / s | km / s | ||||
str11 | str11 | int32 | int32 | uint8 | str5 |
12 59 01.88 | +27 51 54.2 | 7555 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 03.85 | +27 57 32.6 | 6978 | 6 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 03.93 | +27 56 43.7 | 74738 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 04.77 | +27 54 37.9 | 6417 | 26 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 05.55 | +27 50 56.5 | 20074 | 44 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 05.83 | +27 59 49.5 | 7699 | 27 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 07.90 | +27 51 20.0 | 6604 | 27 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 09.06 | +27 53 51.0 | 7812 | 45 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 09.61 | +27 52 02.1 | 6892 | 40 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 09.76 | +27 53 13.8 | 85466 | 90 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 11.51 | +28 00 33.1 | 6942 | 30 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 13.00 | +27 58 39.0 | 6747 | 64 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 14.36 | +27 55 58.2 | 58669 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
... | ... | ... | ... | ... | ... |
12 59 27.29 | +27 47 06.0 | 6618 | 26 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 27.74 | +27 50 12.1 | 69256 | 77 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 27.76 | +28 03 17.1 | 82309 | 64 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 28.80 | +28 02 25.0 | 5569 | 11 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 29.20 | +27 51 03.0 | 6814 | 40 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 29.21 | +27 56 30.8 | 5613 | 58 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 29.29 | +27 48 24.3 | 6710 | 89 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 30.00 | +27 57 22.0 | 6800 | 27 | 1 | A1656 |
12 59 30.08 | +27 49 33.2 | 8874 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 30.27 | +28 01 14.6 | 7166 | 173 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 30.50 | +27 56 24.0 | 123 | 28 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 30.63 | +27 47 28.6 | 7825 | 6 | 2 | A1656 |
12 59 30.80 | +27 53 03.0 | 4741 | 25 | 1 | A1656 |
<Table length=50>
name dtype unit description
------- ----- ------ -------------------------------
RAJ2000 str11 Hour of right ascension (J2000)
DEJ2000 str11 Degree of declination (J2000)
cz int32 km / s Redshift
e_cz int32 km / s ? Error in cz
r_cz uint8 [1/2] Redshift reference (1)
Cluster str5 Abell cluster name, or "Both"
After inspecting the result of the test query, we see that the first table describes the cluster as an ensemble. The second one describes individual galaxies in the cluster. The later, named 1:J/AJ/126/2152/galaxies
contains the information we want.
To see which of the galaxies in the 1:J/AJ/126/2152/galaxies
table could fill in the gaps in our SDSS table, we first isolate the galaxies without redshifts in zsp17
. Then we spatially crossmatch the two tables using the CDS XMatch service via the astroquery.XMatch.query
# mask zsp17 for entries with a nan value in the zsp column
sdss_sample_without_zsp = sdss_sample[np.isnan(sdss_sample["zsp"])]
sdss_sample_with_zsp = sdss_sample[~np.isnan(sdss_sample["zsp"])]
RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | rmag | zsp |
deg | deg | mag | |
float64 | float64 | float32 | float64 |
195.074954 | 27.385966 | 17.653 | -- |
195.219915 | 27.384368 | 17.561 | -- |
195.152531 | 27.575845 | 17.521 | -- |
194.563614 | 27.464697 | 17.736 | -- |
194.482062 | 27.490099 | 17.555 | -- |
194.350646 | 27.507101 | 16.305 | -- |
194.363876 | 27.512126 | 17.701 | -- |
194.437268 | 27.576120 | 17.760 | -- |
194.724123 | 27.388636 | 17.521 | -- |
194.689551 | 27.446954 | 17.474 | -- |
194.649444 | 27.466148 | 15.715 | -- |
194.667667 | 27.472909 | 15.452 | -- |
195.011131 | 27.711337 | 17.675 | -- |
... | ... | ... | ... |
194.976353 | 28.402491 | 15.579 | -- |
194.638159 | 28.324875 | 14.218 | -- |
194.645029 | 28.321443 | 14.610 | -- |
194.635917 | 28.317513 | 16.208 | -- |
194.657981 | 28.315764 | 17.002 | -- |
194.521551 | 28.249971 | 17.705 | -- |
194.625138 | 28.426631 | 17.051 | -- |
194.751431 | 28.374256 | 17.215 | -- |
195.170490 | 28.511943 | 17.620 | -- |
195.178155 | 28.510423 | 16.563 | -- |
195.017063 | 28.414089 | 15.433 | -- |
195.169506 | 28.519893 | 15.869 | -- |
194.894937 | 28.537282 | 17.397 | -- |
xmatch_sdss_rines = XMatch.query(
max_distance=5 * u.arcsec,
angDist | RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | rmag | zsp | _RAJ2000 | _DEJ2000 | RAJ2000 | DEJ2000 | cz | e_cz | r_cz | Cluster |
arcsec | deg | deg | km / s | km / s | ||||||||
float64 | float64 | float64 | float32 | bool | float64 | float64 | str11 | str11 | int32 | int32 | int16 | str5 |
4.756129 | 195.074954 | 27.385966 | 17.653 | -- | 195.0743333 | 27.3871667 | 13 00 17.84 | +27 23 13.8 | 11114 | 9 | 2 | A1656 |
0.268487 | 194.563614 | 27.464697 | 17.736 | -- | 194.5636667 | 27.4646389 | 12 58 15.28 | +27 27 52.7 | 7625 | 27 | 2 | A1656 |
0.089868 | 194.724123 | 27.388636 | 17.521 | -- | 194.724125 | 27.3886111 | 12 58 53.79 | +27 23 19.0 | 7654 | 50 | 2 | A1656 |
0.284257 | 194.860237 | 27.856882 | 17.548 | -- | 194.8601667 | 27.8568333 | 12 59 26.44 | +27 51 24.6 | 5007 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
1.346011 | 194.7349 | 27.803568 | 17.533 | -- | 194.7349167 | 27.8031944 | 12 58 56.38 | +27 48 11.5 | 7864 | 64 | 2 | A1656 |
0.271796 | 195.213773 | 27.689156 | 17.643 | -- | 195.21375 | 27.6890833 | 13 00 51.30 | +27 41 20.7 | 8184 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
0.993647 | 195.466883 | 27.636194 | 17.703 | -- | 195.46675 | 27.6359444 | 13 01 52.02 | +27 38 09.4 | 17437 | 27 | 2 | A1656 |
0.503127 | 195.118402 | 27.761221 | 17.495 | -- | 195.118375 | 27.7610833 | 13 00 28.41 | +27 45 39.9 | 6835 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
2.31869 | 195.442461 | 27.9578 | 15.158 | -- | 195.441875 | 27.9574167 | 13 01 46.05 | +27 57 26.7 | 4706 | 13 | 2 | A1656 |
0.745055 | 195.245136 | 28.026851 | 17.642 | -- | 195.2449167 | 28.0267778 | 13 00 58.78 | +28 01 36.4 | 42190 | 52 | 2 | A1656 |
1.981451 | 195.214755 | 28.042873 | 13.603 | -- | 195.2141667 | 28.0430556 | 13 00 51.40 | +28 02 35.0 | 8748 | 23 | 1 | A1656 |
0.822759 | 194.926075 | 27.858867 | 16.959 | -- | 194.925875 | 27.8587222 | 12 59 42.21 | +27 51 31.4 | 16911 | 8 | 2 | A1656 |
0.650358 | 194.899868 | 27.906112 | 17.639 | -- | 194.8997917 | 27.9059444 | 12 59 35.95 | +27 54 21.4 | 9054 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
2.615351 | 195.073669 | 27.955262 | 13.772 | -- | 195.0729167 | 27.9555556 | 13 00 17.50 | +27 57 20.0 | 6899 | 23 | 1 | A1656 |
0.649338 | 195.044832 | 27.990943 | 14.771 | -- | 195.04475 | 27.9907778 | 13 00 10.74 | +27 59 26.8 | 23078 | 41 | 2 | A1656 |
2.674574 | 194.847414 | 27.911604 | 13.451 | -- | 194.8466667 | 27.9119444 | 12 59 23.20 | +27 54 43.0 | 6899 | 31 | 1 | A1656 |
3.582934 | 195.160575 | 28.01606 | 16.203 | -- | 195.1607917 | 28.0150833 | 13 00 38.59 | +28 00 54.3 | 7594 | 32 | 1 | A1656 |
0.815348 | 195.177341 | 28.116305 | 17.018 | -- | 195.1772083 | 28.1161111 | 13 00 42.53 | +28 06 58.0 | 6206 | 75 | 2 | A1656 |
0.843958 | 195.082099 | 28.121521 | 17.696 | -- | 195.0818333 | 28.1215278 | 13 00 19.64 | +28 07 17.5 | 6659 | 65 | 2 | A1656 |
4.3169 | 195.549769 | 28.173223 | 16.363 | -- | 195.5487917 | 28.1723889 | 13 02 11.71 | +28 10 20.6 | 8950 | 11 | 2 | A1656 |
0.546321 | 194.629479 | 27.895503 | 17.676 | -- | 194.6293333 | 27.8955833 | 12 58 31.04 | +27 53 44.1 | 6804 | 83 | 2 | A1656 |
0.518468 | 194.562693 | 28.125907 | 14.632 | -- | 194.5628333 | 28.1258333 | 12 58 15.08 | +28 07 33.0 | 7428 | 23 | 1 | A1656 |
4.509648 | 194.869572 | 28.085779 | 16.586 | -- | 194.8683333 | 28.0851667 | 12 59 28.40 | +28 05 06.6 | 3650 | 100 | 2 | A1656 |
2.489322 | 194.91736 | 28.179347 | 17.323 | -- | 194.9165833 | 28.17925 | 12 59 39.98 | +28 10 45.3 | 5437 | 0 | 2 | A1656 |
1.210618 | 195.169506 | 28.519893 | 15.869 | -- | 195.169125 | 28.5198611 | 13 00 40.59 | +28 31 11.5 | 8901 | 4 | 2 | A1656 |
Build the final catalog including the Rines et al. (2003) redshifts#
The resulting table of the cross-match above contains 25 rows, so we have found recession velocity (‘cz’) measurements for 25 galaxies. Now let’s add these data to the zsp17_with table.
# converts redshift into velocity
c = 2.998e5 # km/s speed of light
sdss_sample_with_zsp["cz"] = sdss_sample_with_zsp["zsp"] * c
# from the cross math result, only keep columns that are in sdss_sample_with_zsp
columns = ["RA_ICRS", "DE_ICRS", "rmag", "cz"]
# put together the two tables
complete_sample = vstack(
[sdss_sample_with_zsp[columns], xmatch_sdss_rines[columns]],
# don't forget to set the unit of the newly created column
complete_sample["cz"].unit = u.km / u.s
RA_ICRS | DE_ICRS | rmag | cz |
deg | deg | mag | km / s |
float64 | float64 | float32 | float64 |
195.205140 | 27.290719 | 17.136 | 43578.928 |
195.275800 | 27.397826 | 15.842 | 8112.588000000001 |
195.065145 | 27.256672 | 17.726 | 7129.244 |
195.060211 | 27.280727 | 15.638 | 11104.591999999999 |
195.026165 | 27.300713 | 15.149 | 7869.75 |
194.862938 | 27.259896 | 17.119 | 56383.386 |
194.899615 | 27.261861 | 17.226 | 64343.076 |
194.905631 | 27.336047 | 16.011 | 6973.348 |
195.128497 | 27.300180 | 17.767 | 7686.872 |
195.121706 | 27.333216 | 16.015 | 400811.614 |
195.074226 | 27.387516 | 15.367 | 11026.644 |
195.208010 | 27.405782 | 13.926 | 6589.604 |
195.053832 | 27.396513 | 17.553 | 89469.314 |
... | ... | ... | ... |
194.899868 | 27.906112 | 17.639 | 9054.0 |
195.073669 | 27.955262 | 13.772 | 6899.0 |
195.044832 | 27.990943 | 14.771 | 23078.0 |
194.847414 | 27.911604 | 13.451 | 6899.0 |
195.160575 | 28.016060 | 16.203 | 7594.0 |
195.177341 | 28.116305 | 17.018 | 6206.0 |
195.082099 | 28.121521 | 17.696 | 6659.0 |
195.549769 | 28.173223 | 16.363 | 8950.0 |
194.629479 | 27.895503 | 17.676 | 6804.0 |
194.562693 | 28.125907 | 14.632 | 7428.0 |
194.869572 | 28.085779 | 16.586 | 3650.0 |
194.917360 | 28.179347 | 17.323 | 5437.0 |
195.169506 | 28.519893 | 15.869 | 8901.0 |
Now we have a table with all galaxies that either have a redshift measurement in SDSS or a velocity value obtained by (Rines et al. 2003).
Overall, this sample within 40arcmin of the center of the Coma cluster contains 514 galaxies.
Before we start the analysis of the data, let’s look at the galaxies in the sample by loading the table into the Aladin Lite widget. They will appear as catalog_1
and with a different color than the bright stars we added before.
scroll up to the aladin widget to see the table
Determine velocity distribution, cluster average velocity, and velocity dispersion#
Based on the 514 galaxies, we can now analyze the recession velocity and velocity dispersion of the Abell 1656 galaxy cluster. First, we visualize the recession velocity distribution of the entire sample:
# bins is the number of bars in the histogram
plt.hist(data=complete_sample, x="cz", bins=50);

Note how there is a large range of recession velocities in our sample. We are only interested in the range of recession velocities of the Coma cluster. These are around the peak at low velocities. Thus, we restrict our sample to a subset df_Coma
to recession velocities between 3000 and 11000 km/s:
Coma = complete_sample[
(complete_sample["cz"] > 3000.0) & (complete_sample["cz"] < 11000.0)
] # here we apply a mask with two conditions to the sample based on criteria about the column "cz"
plt.hist(data=Coma, x="cz")
); # the r before the string allows to write the label in LaTex

This subset corresponds to galaxies in the vicinity of the cluster (both spatially and in recession velocity). Let’s calculate the mean recession velocity of the cluster and its velocity dispersion:
f"The mean velocity in Coma is {Coma['cz'].mean()} km/s."
f" Its velocity dispersion (i.e. standard deviation) is {Coma['cz'].std()} km/s.",
The mean velocity in Coma is 6965.967498771499 km/s. Its velocity dispersion (i.e. standard deviation) is 1120.973981479845 km/s.
It is in agreement with more refined analyses (e.g. Sohn et al. 2017, ApJS, 229, 20).
When looking back at the query results for the Rines et al. (2003) catalog, you can check again the table that describes the full cluster. The mean recession velocity cz
= 6973km/s and dispersion sigmap_3s_
= 1042km/s for the Coma cluster are is also in good agreement with our results.
Cluster | n_Cluster | RAJ2000 | DEJ2000 | cz | sigmap(3s) | sigmap(ca) | LX | TX | R |
km / s | km / s | km / s | 1e+36 W | keV | |||||
str5 | str1 | str10 | str9 | int32 | int16 | int16 | float32 | float32 | uint8 |
A1656 | g | 12 59 31.9 | +27 54 10 | 6973 | 1042 | 957 | 18.0 | 8.0 | 2 |
Search for Hubble Space Telescope (HST) spectra from the Coma Cluster#
We now want to find out whether there are HST spectra available for the galaxies that had neither a redshift in SDSS nor a velocity in the catalog Rines et al. (2003).
We use the Simple Spectral Access (SSA) protocol from the IVOA to query the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). Once again, we look at an area of 40arcmin around the center of the Coma Cluster.
mast_ssa_service = pyvo.dal.SSAService(
diameter = u.Quantity(2 * 40.0, unit="arcmin")
mast_hst_results = mast_ssa_service.search(pos=coordinates, diameter=diameter)
<DALResultsTable length=21>
ra_obs dec_obs coord_targ coord_obs url object datalen exposure ... spectralsi fluxsi spectralunit fluxunit fluxucd fluxcal ang_sep
deg deg deg deg s ...
float64 float64 float64[2] float64[2] object object int64 float64 ... object object object object object object float64
----------- ---------- -------------------------- ------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ ------- -------- ... ---------- -------------- ------------ -------------------- --------------------------- ------------ -------
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0204t_vop.fits WAVE 2000 4.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1. T-1 angstrom count/s arith.rate;phot.count;em.wl UNCALIBRATED 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0205n_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2065 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0206t_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2065 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0207t_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2065 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0208t_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2065 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn0209t_vop.fits WAVE 2000 4.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1. T-1 angstrom count/s arith.rate;phot.count;em.wl UNCALIBRATED 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020at_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020bt_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020ct_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020dt_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020et_vop.fits WAVE 2000 4.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1. T-1 angstrom count/s arith.rate;phot.count;em.wl UNCALIBRATED 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020ft_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020gt_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020ht_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020it_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020jt_vop.fits WAVE 2000 4.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1. T-1 angstrom count/s arith.rate;phot.count;em.wl UNCALIBRATED 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020kt_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2066 1196.8 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/ghrs2/z2nn020lt_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2022 598.4 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/fos2/y2nn0104t_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2064 929.992 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.2537375 28.3289472 195.2537375 .. 28.32894722 195.2537375 .. 28.3289472 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/fos2/y2nn0105t_vop.fits QSO-1258+285 2064 1170.0 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.148
195.0925 28.4005 195.0925 .. 28.4005 195.0925 .. 28.4005 http://archive.stsci.edu/pub/vospectra/fos2/y1hi1402t_vop.fits 1257+2840 2064 759.984 ... 1.0E-10 L 1.0E+7 ML-1T-3 angstrom erg/cm**2/s/angstrom phot.flux.density;em.wl ABSOLUTE 30.444
Note that mast_hst_results
is not a list of tables as we had for astroquery
queries. This time, we get a pyvo resultset
. Thus the methods to handle the resultset
are slightly different but can still be printed out with the dir()
function which is generic in python. Let’s find out which columns are available:
print("--- Available methods: ", dir(mast_hst_results))
print("--- Name of columns: ", mast_hst_results.fieldnames)
--- Available methods: ['__class__', '__delattr__', '__dict__', '__dir__', '__doc__', '__eq__', '__format__', '__ge__', '__getattribute__', '__getitem__', '__gt__', '__hash__', '__init__', '__init_subclass__', '__iter__', '__le__', '__len__', '__lt__', '__module__', '__ne__', '__new__', '__reduce__', '__reduce_ex__', '__repr__', '__setattr__', '__sizeof__', '__str__', '__subclasshook__', '__weakref__', '_adhocservices', '_findinfos', '_findresultsresource', '_findresultstable', '_findstatus', '_findstatusinfo', '_fldnames', '_from_result_url', '_infos', '_resultstable', '_session', '_status', '_url', '_votable', 'broadcast_samp', 'cursor', 'fielddescs', 'fieldname_with_ucd', 'fieldname_with_utype', 'fieldnames', 'from_result_url', 'get_adhocservice_by_id', 'get_adhocservice_by_ivoid', 'getcolumn', 'getdesc', 'getrecord', 'getvalue', 'iter_adhocservices', 'iter_datalinks', 'queryurl', 'resultstable', 'status', 'table', 'to_qtable', 'to_table', 'votable']
--- Name of columns: ('ra_obs', 'dec_obs', 'coord_targ', 'coord_obs', 'url', 'object', 'datalen', 'exposure', 'date_obs', 'tstart', 'tmid', 'tstop', 'format', 'radecsys', 'equinox', 'preview', 'representative', 'min_wavelength', 'max_wavelength', 'title', 'timesys', 'specsys', 'vover', 'vodate', 'author', 'collection', 'ds_ident', 'cr_ident', 'date', 'version', 'instrume', 'dssource', 'specband', 'der_snr', 'spec_val', 'spec_bw', 'spec_fil', 'spec_rp', 's_fov', 'aperture', 'telescop', 'fluxavg', 'fluxmax2', 'min_flux', 'max_flux', 'min_error', 'max_error', 'filesize', 'spectralaxisname', 'fluxaxisname', 'spectralsi', 'fluxsi', 'spectralunit', 'fluxunit', 'fluxucd', 'fluxcal', 'ang_sep')
for observation in mast_hst_results:
Often Quasars are further away than the Coma cluster, so let’s check quickly on Simbad whether this source is interesting for further analysis. Usually a Simbad query would only return information on the object’s identifier and coordinates. We are, however, also interested in its redshift, so we first create a customised Simbad query (as we did above for VizieR, for more details see here) and then submit the query.
custom_Simbad = Simbad()
qso_table = custom_Simbad.query_object("QSO 1258+285")
main_id | ra | dec | coo_err_maj | coo_err_min | coo_err_angle | coo_wavelength | coo_bibcode | rvz_redshift | matched_id |
deg | deg | mas | mas | deg | |||||
object | float64 | float64 | float32 | float32 | int16 | str1 | object | float64 | object |
A2 330 | 195.25361497434997 | 28.32909494325 | 0.0486 | 0.0401 | 90 | O | 2020yCat.1350....0G | 1.36102 | QSO B1258+285 |
As you can see in the column before last, the Quasar is at a redshift of 1.36. This is far beyond the Coma Cluster. Therefore, we focus on the source ‘1257+2840’ for now. 1257+2840 is the last source in the list: we assign it to a new variable (interesting_observation
). Then we exploit the functionalities of resultset
to find out where the data is and what kind of file it is.
interesting_observation = mast_hst_results[-1]
observation_url = interesting_observation.getdataurl()
A quick analysis of the discovered spectrum#
With the previous step, we obtained a link to a fits file which we can download and open with astropy
spectrum_fits = fits.open(observation_url)
[<astropy.io.fits.hdu.image.PrimaryHDU object at 0x7fb81c852b20>, <astropy.io.fits.hdu.table.BinTableHDU object at 0x7fb81c859790>]
we see that spectrum_fits
is a list of two astropy HDU (Header Data Unit) objects. Let’s look at the second one (with index 1)
XTENSION= 'BINTABLE' /Binary table written by MWRFITS v1.4b
BITPIX = 8 /Required value
NAXIS = 2 /Required value
NAXIS1 = 24768 /Number of bytes per row
NAXIS2 = 1 /Number of rows
PCOUNT = 0 /Normally 0 (no varying arrays)
GCOUNT = 1 /Required value
TFIELDS = 3 /Number of columns in table
COMMENT *** Column names ***
TTYPE1 = 'WAVE ' /
TTYPE2 = 'FLUX ' /
COMMENT *** Column formats ***
TFORM1 = '2064E ' /
TFORM2 = '2064E ' /
TFORM3 = '2064E ' /
COMMENT *** Column units ***
TUNIT1 = 'angstrom' / wavelength unit is Angstrom
TUNIT2 = 'erg/cm**2/s/angstrom' / flux units
TUNIT3 = 'erg/cm**2/s/angstrom' / sigma units
COMMENT *** Column limits ***
TDMIN1 = 1087.14 / [angstrom] Min Value for Field 1
TDMAX1 = 1605.76 / [angstrom] Max Value for Field 1
TDMIN2 = -3.26402E-14 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] Min Value for Field 2
TDMAX2 = 1.39739E-13 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] Max Value for Field 2
TDMIN3 = 0.00000E+00 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] Min Value for Field 3
TDMAX3 = 5.63300E-14 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] Max Value for Field 3
COMMENT *** Column UCDs, UTYPEs ***
TUCD1 = 'em.wl' / Wavelength UCD
TUCD2 = 'phot.flux.density;em.wl' / Flux UCD
TUCD3 = 'stat.error;em.wl' / Sigma UCD
TUTYP1 = 'Spectrum.Data.SpectralAxis.Value' / Wavelength UTYPE
TUTYP2 = 'Spectrum.Data.FluxAxis.Value' / Flux UTYPE
TUTYP3 = 'Spectrum.Data.FluxAxis.Accuracy.StatError' / Sigma UTYPE
EXTNAME = 'Spectral Container' / HST VO spectral container format
EQUINOX = 2000.00 / Coordinates precessed to J2000
TIMESYS = 'UTC' / Time system
MJDREF = 0.00000 / [d] MJD zero point for times
SPECSYS = 'TOPOCENT' / no velocity corrections applied
VOCLASS = 'SPECTRUM V1.0' / VO Data Model
VOSEGT = 'SPECTRUM' / Segment type
DATALEN = 2064 / [ ] Number of points in spectrum
DSSOURCE= 'POINTED' / Survey or Pointed
DATE = '2008-06-28' / Processing-Creation Date
VODATE = '2010-08-12' / Curation Date
VOREF = 'http://archive.stsci.edu/vodocs/hst/fos' / URL for Documentation
DS_IDENT= 'ads/sa.hst#y1hi1402t' / Publishers Data Set ID
VERSION = '1.0' / Processing Version
COLLECT = 'HST/FOS' / Data Set Collection
INSTRUME= 'FOS' / Instrument
TELESCOP= 'HST' / Telescope
FILENAME= 'y1hi1402t_vop.fits' / File Name
CR_IDENT= 'y1hi1402t' / Internal dataset ID
CRETYPE = 'Archival' / Not an on-the-fly dataset
VOPUB = 'MAST' / VO Publishing Authority
AUTHOR = 'HST project' / Creator
VOPUBID = 'ivo://mast.stsci.edu' / URI for VO Publisher
VOLOGO = 'http://archive.stsci.edu/images/100.mastlogo.gif' / MAST logo
VOVER = '1.0' / VO Curation version
VORIGHTS= 'PUBLIC' / Data is public
CONTRIB1= 4952 / PEP proposal identifier
CONTACT = 'archive help desk' /
EMAIL = 'archive@stsci.edu' /
OBJECT = '1257+2840' / proposer's target name
TITLE = 'y1hi1402t, 1257+2840' / filename, object
RA_TARG = 195.0925000000 / right ascension of target
DEC_TARG= 28.4005000000 / declination of target
WCS Paper 3 Keywords
1S2_1 = 'WAVE' / Column name with spectral coordinates
1CYTP2 = 'WAVE-TAB' / Spectral coordinate is wavelength
1S3_1 = 'WAVE' / Column name with spectral coordinates
1CYTP3 = 'WAVE-TAB' / Spectral coordinate is wavelength
RA = 195.0925000000 / right ascension of aperture
DEC = 28.4005000000 / declination of aperture
APERTURE= '4.3x4.3' / [arcsec] Aperture (width or lengthxwidth)
LONGSTRN= 'OGIP 1.0' / The OGIP long string convention may be used.'
COMMENT This FITS file may contain long string keyword values that are
COMMENT continued over multiple keywords. This convention uses the '&'
COMMENT character at the end of a string which is then continued
COMMENT on subsequent keywords whose name = 'CONTINUE'.
FTPRT_AP= 'Polygon J2000 195.09191171 28.40116854 195.09174013 28.39998032 &' /
CONTINUE= '195.09308871 28.39983280 195.09325945 28.40101834' / aperture footpri
DATE-OBS= '1993-07-15T04:07:11' / UT observation start time
EXPOSURE= 759.9844 / [s] exposure duration
TSTART = 49183.16861829 / [d] MJD exposure start time
TSTOP = 49183.17779164 / [d] MJD exposure stop time
TMID = 49183.17320497 / [d] MJD exposure mid time
SPECSDIM= '1.0E-10 L' /
SPEC_CAL= 'ABSOLUTE' / Calibrated spectral coordinate
SPEC_ERR= 0.2 / [angstrom] Wavelength statistical error
SPECBAND= 'Far-UV' / Spectral Band(s)
SPEC_VAL= 1346.450 / [angstrom] Mean Wavelength
SPEC_BW = 518.618 / [angstrom] Bandpass Width Wmax - Wmin
SPEC_FIL= 1.00 / [ ] No gaps between points
SPEC_RP = 1300.0 / [ ] average resolving power W/dW
FLUXSDIM= '1.0E+7 ML-1T-3' / Flux SI Dimensions
FLUX_CAL= 'ABSOLUTE' / Calibrated or uncalibrated Fluxes
STAT_ERR= 3 / [ ] flux error in percent
DER_SNR = 1.15 / [ ] Mean signal-to-noise ratio
FLUXAVG = 4.6306E-15 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] Average Flux
FLUXMAX2= 8.7484E-14 / [erg/cm**2/s/angstrom] 98% Maximum Flux
SPECDISP= 0.251 / [angstrom/pixel] Dispersion
From the fits information and the header, it appears that we have three columns (listed in one axis though):
wavelength in Angstrom,
flux and flux error in \(\mathrm{erg \cdot cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{\r{A}}^{-1}\).
For a first quick look we can plot the spectrum:
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10.0, 8.0))
ax = fig.add_axes([0.17, 0.17, 0.77, 0.77])
ax.plot(spectrum_fits[1].data[0][0], spectrum_fits[1].data[0][1])
ax.set_xlabel(r"Wavelength ($\mathrm{\AA}$)", fontsize=14)
r"Flux ($\mathrm{erg \cdot cm}^{-2} \mathrm{s}^{-1} \mathrm{\AA}^{-1}$)",
Text(0, 0.5, 'Flux ($\\mathrm{erg \\cdot cm}^{-2} \\mathrm{s}^{-1} \\mathrm{\\AA}^{-1}$)')

It is a spectrum in the ultraviolet with two visible emission lines, one around \(1220\mathrm{\r{A}}\) and one around \(1330\mathrm{\r{A}}\). We know that wavelength at rest of the Lyman \(\alpha\) line is at \(1216\mathrm{\r{A}}\). This spectrum might thus show Ly\(\alpha\) (atomic hydrogen, HI) emission of the Milky Way (hardly redshifted) and a redshifted extragalactic source.
To investigate this further, we use the specutils
package. First, we define a 1D spectrum: the data format that specutils
flux_unit = u.erg / u.cm**2 / u.s / u.Angstrom
spectrum = Spectrum1D(
spectral_axis=spectrum_fits[1].data[0][0] * u.Angstrom,
flux=spectrum_fits[1].data[0][1] * flux_unit,
<Spectrum1D(flux=<Quantity [ 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00, ...,
-5.2580507e-16, 0.0000000e+00, 0.0000000e+00] erg / (Angstrom cm2 s)>, spectral_axis=<SpectralAxis [1087.1409, 1087.3932, 1087.6455, ..., 1605.2651, 1605.5122, 1605.7592] Angstrom>)>
Now we can use specutils_analysis
functions to analyze the spectrum. Let’s find the centroid of the two lines.
# find the first peak, between 1200 and 1260 Angstrom
centroid_Milky_Way = spec_ana.centroid(
SpectralRegion(1200 * u.Angstrom, 1260 * u.Angstrom),
# find the second peak, between 1300 and 1370 Angstrom
centroid_second_peak = spec_ana.centroid(
SpectralRegion(1300 * u.Angstrom, 1370 * u.Angstrom),
print("The centroid of the first peak is located at: ", centroid_Milky_Way)
print("The centroid of the second peak is located at: ", centroid_second_peak)
The centroid of the first peak is located at: 1216.476806640625 Angstrom
The centroid of the second peak is located at: 1332.959228515625 Angstrom
Indeed the first peak is centered around the rest wavelength of the Ly\(\alpha\) line. We may thus assume that this is the HI emission from the Milky Way in the foreground. Now assuming that the second line is also Ly\(\alpha\) emission, let’s calculate the redshift and recession velocity:
rest_Ly_alpha = 1216.0
redshift_z = (centroid_second_peak.value - rest_Ly_alpha) / rest_Ly_alpha
cz = redshift_z * c # speed of light in km/s, defined before
f"The source has a redshift of {round(redshift_z, 3)}"
f" and a recession velocity of {round(cz, 2)} km/s",
The source has a redshift of 0.096 and a recession velocity of 28835.84 km/s
Although this source is much closer than the Quasar, it is still further away than the Coma Cluster and thus not a member of the Cluster.
An alternative to using specutils
we can also use more generic python packages and fit the emission lines with simple Gaussians. Let’s define the Gaussian:
def gauss(x, height, peak_position, sigma):
"""Gaussian 1d function.
x : numpy 1d array or a list
list or array of wavelengths
height : float
multiplicative factor for the height of the gaussian function
peak_position : float
wavelength corresponding to the peak position
sigma : float
standard deviation that controlls with of the peak
numpy array
return height * np.exp(
-((np.asarray(x) - peak_position) ** 2.0) / (2 * sigma**2.0),
Next, we select the two parts of the spectrum where the emission lines are:
# separate wavelengths and fluxes in different objects
spectrum_wavelengths = spectrum_fits[1].data[0][0]
spectrum_flux = spectrum_fits[1].data[0][1]
# make a mask to select wavelengths between 1190 and 1240 Angstrom
mask_Milky_Way = np.where(
(spectrum_wavelengths < 1240.0) & (spectrum_wavelengths > 1190),
wavelengths_Milky_Way = spectrum_wavelengths[mask_Milky_Way]
flux_Milky_Way = spectrum_flux[mask_Milky_Way]
# make a mask to select wavelengths between 1300 and 1380 Angstrom
mask_second_peak = np.where(
(spectrum_wavelengths < 1380) & (spectrum_wavelengths > 1300),
wavelengths_second_peak = spectrum_wavelengths[mask_second_peak]
flux_second_peak = spectrum_flux[mask_second_peak]
The Gaussian fit is done with the curve_fit
function of the scipy.optimize
popt_Milky_Way_line, pcov_Milky_Way_line = curve_fit(
p0=[1.25e-13, 1220.0, 10.0],
"The first peak, attributed to the Milky Way, has a",
f" central wavelength of {round(popt_Milky_Way_line[1], 2)} ",
f"+/- {round(np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_Milky_Way_line))[1], 2)} km/s.",
popt_second_line, pcov_second_line = curve_fit(
p0=[0.2e-13, 1330.0, 10.0],
"The first peak for the other object has a",
f"central wavelength of {round(popt_second_line[1], 2)}",
f" +/- {round(np.sqrt(np.diag(pcov_second_line))[1], 2)} km/s.",
The first peak, attributed to the Milky Way, has a central wavelength of 1215.38 +/- 0.13 km/s.
The first peak for the other object has a central wavelength of 1329.18 +/- 0.6 km/s.
These values are close to the results from the specutils
To further check the fitting results, we plot the data, our model, and residuals:
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 1)
# First plot is the data and models
axes[0].plot(wavelengths_Milky_Way, flux_Milky_Way)
gauss(wavelengths_Milky_Way, *popt_Milky_Way_line),
axes[0].plot(wavelengths_second_peak, flux_second_peak)
gauss(wavelengths_second_peak, *popt_second_line),
label="gaussian fits",
axes[0].set_ylabel(r"Flux [erg cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$ $\AA^{-1}$]")
# Second plot is the residuals = data - model
flux_Milky_Way - gauss(wavelengths_Milky_Way, *popt_Milky_Way_line),
flux_second_peak - gauss(wavelengths_second_peak, *popt_second_line),
axes[1].axhline(0, ls="--", c="k")
axes[1].set_xlabel(r"Wavelength [$\mathrm{\AA}$]")
Text(0, 0.5, 'Residual')

While fitting a Gaussian to the emission lines provides very good results with regard to the central wavelength (and thus redshift) of the observed objects, the residuals show that the emission from the Milky Way is much more complicated.
# End of the tutorial