Retrieving data from the current widget’s view#

So far, we’ve seen how to send information (tables, MOCs, …) into the widget. The other way also works! This notebook contains a list of methods to extract diverse information about the current view. However, here are several information about retrieving data from the widget:

  • when the view is modified programmatically (i.e. not by clicking on the buttons), the update of its properties is done between cell execution. This means that you’ll see a WidgetCommunicationError when you try to modify the view and retrieve information about it in the same cell. Simply switch the property-reading to the next cell and everything will work as intended!

  • if you generate different views of the same Aladin() instances – either by calling display multiple times, or by using the Create new view for cell output button in Jupyter, the information contained in wcs and fov_xy will always correspond to the most recently created view.

from ipyaladin import Aladin
aladin = Aladin(fov=5, height=600, target="M31")

Getting the current WCS#

The World Coordinates System (WCS) describes the field of view, the projection, and it’s rotation. It is returned as an astropy.coordinates.WCS object.

aladin.wcs  # Recover the current WCS
WCS Keywords

Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 10.6847083 41.26875
CRPIX : 843.0 300.5
PC1_1 PC1_2  : 1.0 0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2  : 0.0 1.0
CDELT : -0.0029673590504451 0.002967359050445104
NAXIS : 1685  600

If you edit the view either by modifiing the widget through its interface, or programmatically:

aladin.height = 800
aladin.survey = "CDS/P/PLANCK/R2/HFI/color" = "LMC"
aladin.frame = "Galactic"
aladin.fov = 50

The wcs is updated and you can print its new value in the next cell:

WCS Keywords

Number of WCS axes: 2
CRVAL : 80.89416999999995 -69.75611
CRPIX : 843.0 400.5
PC1_1 PC1_2  : 1.0 0.0
PC2_1 PC2_2  : 0.0 1.0
CDELT : -0.0029673590504451 0.002967359050445104
NAXIS : 1685  800

If you try to recover the value in the same cell, you’ll get a WidgetCommunicationError error. This is because the calculation of the WCS is done by Aladin Lite between cell executions.

Getting the field of view#

The field of view is printed in the bottom left corner of the view. You can grab the two values with:

aladin.fov_xy  # Recover the current field of view for the x and y axis
(<Angle 5. deg>, <Angle 2.37388724 deg>)