
Ipyaladin is developed by the Strasbourg Astronomical Data Centre. If it was useful for your research, please consider citing it.


Contributions are welcome, you can for example:

  • open an issue if you find a bug or would like a new feature,

  • work on one of the open issues that have been discussed and milestoned

  • improve the documentation

Development installation#

To start developing ipyaladin, clone the repository and do

pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
npm run dev

This will listen to any changes made in the python and javascript sides of the widget. You can live-develop in a notebook application and your changes will be affected on kernel restarts.

We use pre-commit with Ruff for formatting the python files, and husky with prettier for the other files. This means than before accepting you commits, you’ll see if any change is needed. If it is the case, apply the requested changes, git add the files again, and attempt to commit until all the checks pass.

Running the tests#

There are different tests in the module.

Python tests#

To run the python tests, do:

python -m pytest

Javascript tests#

To run the javascript tests, do:

npm run start-test-server

then in an other terminal,

npm run js-test

Check that the documentation still builds#

You’ll need pandoc, see Then,

pip install .[docs]
cd docs
make clean html

How does it work#

ipyaladin wraps Aladin-Lite into notebooks thanks to anywidgets. The useful documentation pages are: