Getting Started#


Released versions#

To get the latest version of ipyaladin you can either use pip,

pip install ipyaladin

or conda-forge,

conda install ipyaladin -c conda-forge

and you’re all set!

Unreleased version#

To install the unreleased version, you will need npm, see its webpages for installation instructions

Then, download the ipyaladin github repository. From the root of the repository, do

npm run dev
You can then close the terminal with ctrl+c and the unreleased version of

ipyaladin is installed on your machine.

Using the widget#

You can open a notebook and instantiate an ipyaladin widget:

from ipyaladin import Aladin

A widget should appear below this cell. See the getting started notebook example for a bit mot instantiation options,

for a more detailed tour of ipyaladin, have a look at the User Guide section.