Linked widgets#

Widgets can be linked to compare between different surveys. Try moving one of the views and the others will follow!

from ipyaladin import Aladin

from ipywidgets import Layout, Box, widgets

cosmetic_options = {"show_projection_control": False, "show_fullscreen_control": False}

a = Aladin(layout=Layout(width="33.33%"), target="M 81", fov=0.3, **cosmetic_options)
b = Aladin(layout=Layout(width="33.33%"), survey="P/DSS2/red", **cosmetic_options)
c = Aladin(layout=Layout(width="33.33%"), survey="P/2MASS/color", **cosmetic_options)

# synchronize target between 3 widgets
widgets.jslink((a, "_target"), (b, "_target"))
widgets.jslink((b, "_target"), (c, "_target"))

# synchronize FoV (zoom level) between 3 widgets
widgets.jslink((a, "_fov"), (b, "_fov"))
widgets.jslink((b, "_fov"), (c, "_fov"))

items = [a, b, c]

box_layout = Layout(
    display="flex", flex_flow="row", align_items="stretch", border="solid", width="100%"
box = Box(children=items, layout=box_layout)
[ ]: