
Type Definitions


  • Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
survey string <optional>
"P/DSS2/color" URL or ID of the survey to use
surveyUrl Array.<string> <optional>
Array of URLs for the survey images. This replaces the survey parameter.
hipsList Array.<Object> | Array.<string> <optional>
A list of predefined HiPS for the Aladin instance. This option is used for searching for a HiPS in a list of surveys This list can have string item (either a CDS ID or an HiPS url) or an object that describes the HiPS more exhaustively. See the example below to see the different form that this item can have to describe a HiPS.
target string <optional>
"0 +0" Target coordinates for the initial view.
cooFrame CooFrame <optional>
"J2000" Coordinate frame.
fov number <optional>
60 Field of view in degrees.
northPoleOrientation number <optional>
0 North pole orientation in degrees. By default it is set to 0 deg i.e. the north pole will be found vertically north to the view. Positive orientation goes towards east i.e. in counter clockwise order as the east lies in the left direction of the view.
backgroundColor string <optional>
"rgb(60, 60, 60)" Background color in RGB format.
showZoomControl boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the zoom control toolbar. This element belongs to the FoV UI thus its CSS class is `aladin-fov`
showLayersControl boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the layers control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-stack-control`
expandLayersControl boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the stack box opened at starting CSS class for the stack box is `aladin-stack-box`
showFullscreenControl boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the fullscreen control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-fullScreen-control`
showSimbadPointerControl boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the Simbad pointer control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-simbadPointer-control`
showCooGridControl boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the coordinate grid control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-grid-control`
showSettingsControl boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the settings control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-settings-control`
showShareControl boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the share control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-share-control`
showStatusBar boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the status bar. Enabled by default. CSS class for that button is `aladin-status-bar`
showFrame boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the viewport frame. CSS class for that button is `aladin-cooFrame`
showFov boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the field of view indicator. CSS class for that button is `aladin-fov`
showCooLocation boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the coordinate location indicator. CSS class for that button is `aladin-location`
showProjectionControl boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the projection control toolbar. CSS class for that button is `aladin-projection-control`
showContextMenu boolean <optional>
false Whether to show the context menu.
showReticle boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the reticle.
showCatalog boolean <optional>
true Whether to show the catalog.
showCooGrid boolean <optional>
true Whether the coordinates grid should be shown at startup.
fullScreen boolean <optional>
false Whether to start in full-screen mode.
reticleColor string <optional>
"rgb(178, 50, 178)" Color of the reticle in RGB format.
reticleSize number <optional>
22 Size of the reticle.
gridColor string <optional>
"rgb(178, 50, 178)" Color of the grid in RGB format. Is overshadowed by gridOptions.color if defined.
gridOpacity number <optional>
0.8 Opacity of the grid (0 to 1). Is overshadowed by gridOptions.opacity if defined.
gridOptions Object <optional>
More options for the grid.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
color string <optional>
"rgb(178, 50, 178)" Color of the grid. Can be specified as a named color (see named colors), as rgb (ex: "rgb(178, 50, 178)"), or as a hex color (ex: "#86D6AE").
thickness number <optional>
2 The thickness of the grid, in pixels.
opacity number <optional>
0.8 Opacity of the grid and labels. It is comprised between 0 and 1.
showLabels boolean <optional>
true Whether the grid has labels.
labelSize number <optional>
15 The font size of the labels.
projection string <optional>
"SIN" Projection type. Can be 'SIN' for orthographic, 'MOL' for mollweide, 'AIT' for hammer-aitoff, 'ZEA' for zenital equal-area or 'MER' for mercator
log boolean <optional>
true Whether to log events.
samp boolean <optional>
false Whether to enable SAMP (Simple Application Messaging Protocol).
realFullscreen boolean <optional>
false Whether to use real fullscreen mode.
pixelateCanvas boolean <optional>
true Whether to pixelate the canvas.
manualSelection boolean <optional>
false When set to true, no selection will be performed, only events will be generated.
selector Object <optional>
More options for the the selector.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
color string <optional>
Color of the selector, defaults to the color of the reticle. Can be a hex color or a function returning a hex color.
lineWidth number <optional>
2 Width of the selector line.
Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
  • Object
let aladin = A.aladin({
    target: 'galactic center',
    fov: 10,
    hipsList: [
        // url
        // ID from HiPS list
        // Not full HiPS described
            name: 'DESI Legacy Surveys color (g, r, i, z)',
            id: 'CDS/P/DESI-Legacy-Surveys/DR10/color',
        // HiPS with options. Fields accepted are those described in A.hiPSOptions.
            name: "SDSS9 band-g",
            id: "P/SDSS9/g",
            creatorDid: "ivo://CDS/P/SDSS9/g",
            maxOrder: 10,
            tileSize: 512,
            numBitsPerPixel: 16,
            imgFormat: 'fits',
            cooFrame: 'equatorial',
            minCut: 0,
            maxCut: 1.8,
            stretch: 'linear',
            colormap: "redtemperature",


  • Represents options for configuring a catalog.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
url string The URL of the catalog.
name string <optional>
"catalog" The name of the catalog.
color string <optional>
The color associated with the catalog.
sourceSize number <optional>
8 The size of the sources in the catalog.
shape string | function | Image | HTMLCanvasElement | HTMLImageElement <optional>
"square" The shape of the sources (can be, "square", "circle", "plus", "cross", "rhomb", "triangle").
limit number <optional>
The maximum number of sources to display.
onClick string | function <optional>
Whether the source data appears as a table row or a in popup. Can be 'showTable' string, 'showPopup' string or a custom user defined function that handles the click.
readOnly boolean <optional>
false Whether the catalog is read-only.
raField string <optional>
The ID or name of the field holding Right Ascension (RA).
decField string <optional>
The ID or name of the field holding Declination (dec).
filter function <optional>
The filtering function for sources.
selectionColor string <optional>
"#00ff00" The color to apply to selected sources in the catalog.
hoverColor string <optional>
color The color to apply to sources in the catalog when they are hovered.
displayLabel boolean <optional>
false Whether to display labels for sources.
labelColumn string <optional>
The name of the column to be used for the label.
labelColor string <optional>
color The color of the source labels.
labelFont string <optional>
"10px sans-serif" The font for the source labels.
Represents options for configuring a catalog.
  • Object


  • Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
Name Type Description
x number x coordinate of the center's circle in pixels
y number y coordinate of the center's circle in pixels
r number radius of the circle in pixels
contains function function taking a {x, y} object telling if the vertex is contained or not
bbox function returns the bbox of the selection in pixels
Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
  • Object


  • String with possible values: 'equatorial', 'ICRS', 'ICRSd', 'j2000', 'gal, 'galactic'
String with possible values: 'equatorial', 'ICRS', 'ICRSd', 'j2000', 'gal, 'galactic'
  • string


JS FileList API type
  • Object


  • Options for configuring the graphic overlay
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
"overlay" The name of the catalog.
color string <optional>
A string parsed as CSS value. See here
lineWidth number <optional>
3 The line width in pixels
lineDash Array.<number> <optional>
[] Dash line option. See the segments property here
Options for configuring the graphic overlay
  • Object


  • Tiles are accessed like so: HIPSLocalFiles[norder][ipix] = File;
    The properties file is accessed with: HIPSLocalFiles["properties"]
Name Type Description
properties File The local properties file of the HiPS
Tiles are accessed like so: HIPSLocalFiles[norder][ipix] = File;
The properties file is accessed with: HIPSLocalFiles["properties"]
  • Object


  • HiPS options
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
The name of the survey to be displayed in the UI
successCallback function <optional>
A callback executed when the HiPS has been loaded
errorCallback function <optional>
A callback executed when the HiPS could not be loaded
imgFormat string <optional>
Formats accepted 'webp', 'png', 'jpeg' or 'fits'. Will raise an error if the HiPS does not contain tiles in this format
cooFrame CooFrame <optional>
"J2000" Coordinate frame of the survey tiles
maxOrder number <optional>
The maximum HEALPix order of the HiPS, i.e the HEALPix order of the most refined tile images of the HiPS.
numBitsPerPixel number <optional>
Useful if you want to display the FITS tiles of a HiPS. It specifies the number of bits per pixel. Possible values are: -64: double, -32: float, 8: unsigned byte, 16: short, 32: integer 32 bits, 64: integer 64 bits
tileSize number <optional>
The width of the HEALPix tile images. Mostly 512 pixels but can be 256, 128, 64, 32
minOrder number <optional>
If not given, retrieved from the properties of the survey.
longitudeReversed boolean <optional>
false Set it to True for planetary survey visualization
opacity number <optional>
1.0 Opacity of the survey or image (value between 0 and 1).
colormap string <optional>
"native" The colormap configuration for the survey or image.
stretch string <optional>
"linear" The stretch configuration for the survey or image.
reversed boolean <optional>
false If true, the colormap is reversed; otherwise, it is not reversed.
minCut number <optional>
The minimum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 0.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
maxCut number <optional>
The maximum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 1.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
additive boolean <optional>
false If true, additive blending is applied; otherwise, it is not applied.
gamma number <optional>
1.0 The gamma correction value for the color configuration.
saturation number <optional>
0.0 The saturation value for the color configuration.
brightness number <optional>
0.0 The brightness value for the color configuration.
contrast number <optional>
0.0 The contrast value for the color configuration.
HiPS options
  • Object


  • Represents the vertices of a HEALPix cell, where each vertex is a LonLat object.
Name Type Description
v1 LonLat The first vertex.
v2 LonLat The second vertex.
v3 LonLat The third vertex.
v4 LonLat The fourth vertex.
Represents the vertices of a HEALPix cell, where each vertex is a LonLat object.
  • Object


Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
A human-readable name for the FITS image
successCallback function <optional>
A callback executed when the FITS has been loaded
errorCallback function <optional>
A callback executed when the FITS could not be loaded
opacity number <optional>
1.0 Opacity of the survey or image (value between 0 and 1).
colormap string <optional>
"native" The colormap configuration for the survey or image.
stretch string <optional>
"linear" The stretch configuration for the survey or image.
reversed boolean <optional>
false If true, the colormap is reversed; otherwise, it is not reversed.
minCut number <optional>
0.0 The minimum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 0.0 is chosen
maxCut number <optional>
1.0 The maximum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 1.0 is chosen
additive boolean <optional>
false If true, additive blending is applied; otherwise, it is not applied.
gamma number <optional>
1.0 The gamma correction value for the color configuration.
saturation number <optional>
0.0 The saturation value for the color configuration.
brightness number <optional>
0.0 The brightness value for the color configuration.
contrast number <optional>
0.0 The contrast value for the color configuration.
wcs WCS <optional>
an object describing the WCS of the image. In case of a fits image this property will be ignored as the WCS taken will be the one present in the fits file.
imgFormat string <optional>
Optional image format. Giving it will prevent the auto extension determination algorithm to be triggered. Possible values are 'jpeg', 'png' or 'fits'. tiff files are not supported. You can convert your tiff files to jpg ones by using the fantastic image magick suite.
  • Object
          name: "M61",
          wcs: {
                NAXIS: 0, // Minimal header
                CTYPE1: 'RA---TAN', // TAN (gnomic) projection
                CTYPE2: 'DEC--TAN', // TAN (gnomic) projection
                EQUINOX: 2000.0, // Equatorial coordinates definition (yr)
                LONPOLE: 180.0, // no comment
                LATPOLE: 0.0, // no comment
                CRVAL1: 185.445488837, // RA of reference point
                CRVAL2: 4.47896032431, // DEC of reference point
                CRPIX1: 588.995094299, // X reference pixel
                CRPIX2: 308.307905197, // Y reference pixel
                CUNIT1: 'deg', // X pixel scale units
                CUNIT2: 'deg', // Y pixel scale units
                CD1_1: -0.000223666022989, // Transformation matrix
                CD1_2: -0.000296578064584, // no comment
                CD2_1: -0.000296427555509, // no comment
                CD2_2: 0.000223774308964, // no comment
                NAXIS1: 1080, // Image width, in pixels.
                NAXIS2: 705 // Image height, in pixels.
          successCallback: (ra, dec, fov, image) => {
              aladin.gotoRaDec(ra, dec);
              aladin.setFoV(fov * 5)


  • String with possible values: 'select' (deprecated, use objectsSelected instead), 'objectsSelected', 'objectClicked', 'objectHovered', 'objectHoveredStop', 'footprintClicked', 'footprintHovered', 'positionChanged', 'zoomChanged', 'click', 'rightClickMove', 'mouseMove', 'fullScreenToggled', 'cooFrameChanged', 'resizeChanged', 'projectionChanged', 'layerChanged'
String with possible values: 'select' (deprecated, use objectsSelected instead), 'objectsSelected', 'objectClicked', 'objectHovered', 'objectHoveredStop', 'footprintClicked', 'footprintHovered', 'positionChanged', 'zoomChanged', 'click', 'rightClickMove', 'mouseMove', 'fullScreenToggled', 'cooFrameChanged', 'resizeChanged', 'projectionChanged', 'layerChanged'
  • string


  • Represents a geographical point with longitude and latitude coordinates.
Name Type Description
lon number The longitude coordinate.
lat number The latitude coordinate.
Represents a geographical point with longitude and latitude coordinates.
  • Object


  • Options for configuring a MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage).
Name Type Attributes Default Description
name string <optional>
"MOC" The name of the catalog.
color string <optional>
The color of the MOC HEALPix cell edges. Is used only if `perimeter` is true or `edge` is true
fillColor string <optional>
The filling of the MOC.
fill string <optional>
false Draw the filled MOC with `options.fillColor`.
perimeter Boolean <optional>
false Draw the perimeter of the MOC only with `options.color`.
edge string <optional>
!fill && !perimeter Draw the edges of the HEALPix cells with `options.color`. The HEALPix cell edges compositing the MOC will be drawn if `fill` and `perimeter` are false
lineWidth number <optional>
3 The line width in pixels
opacity number <optional>
1.0 The opacity of the colors
Options for configuring a MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage).
  • Object


  • Possible overlays
Possible overlays


  • Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
Name Type Description
vertices Array.<Object> vertices of the polygon selection in pixels. Each vertex has a x and y key in pixels.
contains function function taking a {x, y} object telling if the vertex is contained in the selection or not
bbox function returns the bbox of the selection in pixels
Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
  • Object


  • Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
Name Type Description
x number top left x coordinate of the rectangle in pixels
y number top left y coordinate of the rectangle in pixels
w number width of the selection in pixels
h number height of the selection in pixels
contains function function taking a {x, y} object telling if the vertex is contained in the selection or not
bbox function returns the bbox of the selection in pixels
Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
  • Object


  • Options for describing a shape
Name Type Attributes Default Description
color string <optional>
The color of the shape
fill string <optional>
false Fill the shape with fillColor
fillColor string <optional>
A filling color for the shape
lineWidth number <optional>
3 The line width in pixels
opacity number <optional>
1 The opacity, between 0 (totally transparent) and 1 (totally opaque)
selectionColor string <optional>
'#00ff00' A selection color
hoverColor string <optional>
A hovered color
Options for describing a shape
  • Object


  • FITS (Paper II), Calabretta, M. R., and Greisen, E. W., Astronomy & Astrophysics, 395, 1077-1122, 2002
Name Type Attributes Description
NAXIS number <optional>
CTYPE1 string
CTYPE2 string <optional>
LONPOLE number <optional>
LATPOLE number <optional>
CRVAL1 number <optional>
CRVAL2 number <optional>
CRPIX1 number <optional>
CRPIX2 number <optional>
CUNIT1 string <optional>
e.g. 'deg'
CUNIT2 string <optional>
e.g. 'deg'
CD1_1 number <optional>
CD1_2 number <optional>
CD2_1 number <optional>
CD2_2 number <optional>
PC1_1 number <optional>
PC1_2 number <optional>
PC2_1 number <optional>
PC2_2 number <optional>
CDELT1 number <optional>
CDELT2 number <optional>
NAXIS1 number <optional>
NAXIS2 number <optional>
FITS (Paper II), Calabretta, M. R., and Greisen, E. W., Astronomy & Astrophysics, 395, 1077-1122, 2002
  • Object