
 * Aladin Lite project
 * File MOC
 * This class represents a MOC (Multi Order Coverage map) layer
 * Author: Thomas Boch[CDS], Matthieu Baumann[CDS]

import { Aladin }   from "./Aladin.js";
import { Utils }   from "./Utils";
import { Color } from "./Color.js";

import { ALEvent } from "./events/ALEvent.js";

* @typedef {Object} MOCOptions
* @description Options for configuring a MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage).
* @property {string} [name="MOC"] - The name of the catalog.
* @property {string} [color] - The color of the MOC HEALPix cell edges. Is used only if `perimeter` is true or `edge` is true
* @property {string} [fillColor] - The filling of the MOC.
* @property {string} [fill=false] - Draw the filled MOC with `options.fillColor`.
* @property {Boolean} [perimeter=false] - Draw the perimeter of the MOC only with `options.color`.
* @property {string} [edge=!fill && !perimeter] - Draw the edges of the HEALPix cells with `options.color`.
    The HEALPix cell edges compositing the MOC will be drawn if `fill` and `perimeter` are false
* @property {number} [lineWidth=3] - The line width in pixels 
* @property {number} [opacity=1.0] - The opacity of the colors

export let MOC = (function() {
     * Represents a Multi-Order-Coverage with configurable options for display and interaction.
     * @class
     * @constructs MOC
     * @param {MOCOptions} options - Configuration options for the MOC
    let MOC = function(options) {
        //this.order = undefined;

        this.uuid = Utils.uuidv4();
        this.type = 'moc';

        // TODO homogenize options parsing for all kind of overlay (footprints, catalog, MOC)
        options = options || {}; = || "MOC";

        this.color = options.color || Color.getNextColor();
        this.color = Color.standardizeColor(this.color);

        this.fillColor = options.fillColor || this.color;
        this.fillColor = Color.standardizeColor(this.fillColor);

        if (options && options.perimeter) {
            this.perimeter = true;
        } else {
            this.perimeter = false;

        if (options && options.opacity !== undefined) {
            this.opacity = options.opacity;
        } else {
            this.opacity = 1.0;
        if (options && options.fill) {
            this.fill = true;
        } else {
            this.fill = false;

        if (options && options.edge) {
            this.edge = true;
        } else {
            this.edge = false;

        if (!this.fill && !this.perimeter && !this.edge) {
            this.edge = true;

        this.opacity = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, this.opacity)); // 0 <= this.opacity <= 1
        this.lineWidth = options["lineWidth"] || 3;

        //this.proxyCalled = false; // this is a flag to check whether we already tried to load the MOC through the proxy

        this.isShowing = true;
        this.ready = false;
        this.skyFrac = undefined;

     *  Return a value between 0 and 1 denoting the fraction of the sky
     *  covered by the MOC
     * @memberof MOC
     * @returns {number} The sky fraction covered by the MOC 
    MOC.prototype.skyFraction = function() {
        return this.skyFrac;

     * set MOC data by parsing a MOC serialized in JSON
     * (as defined in IVOA MOC document, section 3.1.1)
    MOC.prototype.parse = function(data, successCallback, errorCallback) {
        if (typeof data === 'string' || data instanceof String) {
            let url = data;
            this.promiseFetchData = Utils.fetch({
                method: 'GET',
                dataType: 'blob',
                error: function(err) {
                    console.log('Something went wrong: ' + err);
            }).then(blob => blob.arrayBuffer());
        } else {
            this.promiseFetchData = Promise.resolve(data)

        this.successCallback = successCallback;
        this.errorCallback = errorCallback;

    MOC.prototype.setView = function(view, idx) {
        let self = this;

        this.view = view;
        this.mocParams = new Aladin.wasmLibs.core.MOC(this.uuid, this.opacity, this.lineWidth, this.perimeter, this.fill, this.edge, this.isShowing, this.color, this.fillColor);

            .then((data) => {
                if (data instanceof ArrayBuffer) {
                    // from an url
                    const buf = data;
                    self.view.wasm.addFITSMOC(self.mocParams, new Uint8Array(buf));
                } else if(data.ra && data.dec && data.radius) {
                    // circle
                    const c = data;
                    self.view.wasm.addConeMOC(self.mocParams, c.ra, c.dec, c.radius);
                } else if(data.ra && data.dec) {
                    // polygon
                    const p = data;
                    self.view.wasm.addPolyMOC(self.mocParams, p.ra, p.dec);
                } else {
                    // json moc
                    self.view.wasm.addJSONMoc(self.mocParams, data);

                // Add the fetched moc to the rust backend
                self.ready = true;

                if (self.successCallback) {

                // Cache the sky fraction
                self.skyFrac = self.view.wasm.getMOCSkyFraction(this.mocParams);

                // Add it to the view
                self.view.insertOverlay(self, idx);

                // Tell the MOC has been fully loaded and can be sent as an event
                ALEvent.GRAPHIC_OVERLAY_LAYER_ADDED.dispatchedTo(self.view.aladinDiv, {layer: self});

            .catch(e => {
                console.error('MOC load error:' + e)
                if (self.errorCallback)

    MOC.prototype.reportChange = function() {
        if (this.view) {
            // update the new moc params to the backend
            this.mocParams = new Aladin.wasmLibs.core.MOC(this.uuid, this.opacity, this.lineWidth, this.perimeter, this.fill, this.edge, this.isShowing, this.color, this.fillColor);

    MOC.prototype.delete = function() {
        if (this.view) {
            // update the new moc params to the backend

     * Show the MOC object 
     * @memberof MOC
     */ = function() {
        if (this.isShowing) {
        this.isShowing = true;

     * Hide the MOC object 
     * @memberof MOC
    MOC.prototype.hide = function() {
        if (! this.isShowing) {
        this.isShowing = false;

     * Tests whether a given (ra, dec) point on the sky is within the current MOC object
     * @memberof MOC
     * @param {number} ra - Right-Ascension of the location in degrees and ICRS frame
     * @param {number} dec - Declination of the location in degrees and ICRS frame
     * @returns {boolean} True if the point is contained, false otherwise
    MOC.prototype.contains = function(ra, dec) {
        if (!this.ready) {
            throw + " is not yet ready, either because it has not been downloaded yet or because it has not been added to the aladin instance."

        // update the new moc params to the backend
        return this.view.wasm.mocContains(this.mocParams, ra, dec);

     * Serialize a MOC into different format
     * @memberof MOC
     * @param {string} [format='json'] - The output format. Only `json` is currently supported but `fits` could be added.
    MOC.prototype.serialize = function(format) {
        if (!this.ready) {
            throw + " is not yet ready, either because it has not been downloaded yet or because it has not been added to the aladin instance."

        return this.view.wasm.mocSerialize(this.mocParams, format);

    return MOC;
