// Copyright 2013 - UDS/CNRS
// The Aladin Lite program is distributed under the terms
// of the GNU General Public License version 3.
// This file is part of Aladin Lite.
// Aladin Lite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
// Aladin Lite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// The GNU General Public License is available in COPYING file
// along with Aladin Lite.
* Aladin Lite project
* File HiPS
* Authors: Thomas Boch & Matthieu Baumann [CDS]
import { ALEvent } from "./events/ALEvent.js";
import { ColorCfg } from "./ColorCfg.js";
import { HiPSProperties } from "./HiPSProperties.js";
import { Aladin } from "./Aladin.js";
let PropertyParser = {};
// Utilitary functions for parsing the properties and giving default values
/// Mandatory tileSize property
PropertyParser.tileSize = function (properties) {
let tileSize =
(properties &&
properties.hips_tile_width &&
+properties.hips_tile_width) ||
// Check if the tile width size is a power of 2
if (tileSize & (tileSize - 1 !== 0)) {
tileSize = 512;
return tileSize;
/// Mandatory frame property
PropertyParser.cooFrame = function (properties) {
let cooFrame =
(properties && properties.hips_body && "ICRSd") ||
(properties && properties.hips_frame) ||
return cooFrame;
/// Mandatory maxOrder property
PropertyParser.maxOrder = function (properties) {
let maxOrder =
properties && properties.hips_order && +properties.hips_order;
return maxOrder;
/// Mandatory minOrder property
PropertyParser.minOrder = function (properties) {
const minOrder =
(properties &&
properties.hips_order_min &&
+properties.hips_order_min) ||
return minOrder;
PropertyParser.formats = function (properties) {
let formats = (properties && properties.hips_tile_format) || "jpeg";
formats = formats.split(" ").map((fmt) => fmt.toLowerCase());
return formats;
PropertyParser.initialFov = function (properties) {
let initialFov =
properties &&
properties.hips_initial_fov &&
if (initialFov && initialFov < 0.00002777777) {
initialFov = 360;
return initialFov;
PropertyParser.skyFraction = function (properties) {
const skyFraction =
(properties &&
properties.moc_sky_fraction &&
+properties.moc_sky_fraction) ||
return skyFraction;
PropertyParser.cutouts = function (properties) {
let cuts =
properties &&
properties.hips_pixel_cut &&
properties.hips_pixel_cut.split(" ");
const minCutout = cuts && parseFloat(cuts[0]);
const maxCutout = cuts && parseFloat(cuts[1]);
return [minCutout, maxCutout];
PropertyParser.bitpix = function (properties) {
const bitpix =
properties &&
properties.hips_pixel_bitpix &&
return bitpix;
PropertyParser.isPlanetaryBody = function (properties) {
return properties && properties.hips_body !== undefined;
* HiPS options
* @description Minimal user provided properties will prevent Aladin Lite from fetching the properties file describing the HiPS properties.
* These minimal informations needed by aladin lite are:
* <ul>
* <li>The max HEALPix order of the survey tiles</li>
* <li>A location url of the HiPS. If a CDS ID is given (i.e. one took from the {@link https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/hips/list| CDS HiPS list aggregator}) e.g. CDS/P/2MASS/K) then the properties is retrieved to obtain a base url for fetching the tiles.</li>
* <li>The image format of the HiPS tiles ('jpeg', 'png', 'fits', 'webp' are supported)</li>
* <li>The size of one tile (typically 512x512)</li>
* <li>The coordinate frame of the HiPS</li>
* </ul>
* @typedef {Object} HiPSOptions
* @property {string} [name] - The name of the survey to be displayed in the UI
* @property {Function} [successCallback] - A callback executed when the HiPS has been loaded
* @property {Function} [errorCallback] - A callback executed when the HiPS could not be loaded
* @property {string} [imgFormat] - Formats accepted 'webp', 'png', 'jpeg' or 'fits'. Will raise an error if the HiPS does not contain tiles in this format
* @property {CooFrame} [cooFrame="J2000"] - Coordinate frame of the survey tiles
* @property {number} [maxOrder] - The maximum HEALPix order of the HiPS, i.e the HEALPix order of the most refined tile images of the HiPS.
* @property {number} [numBitsPerPixel] - Useful if you want to display the FITS tiles of a HiPS. It specifies the number of bits per pixel. Possible values are:
* -64: double, -32: float, 8: unsigned byte, 16: short, 32: integer 32 bits, 64: integer 64 bits
* @property {number} [tileSize] - The width of the HEALPix tile images. Mostly 512 pixels but can be 256, 128, 64, 32
* @property {number} [minOrder] - If not given, retrieved from the properties of the survey.
* @property {boolean} [longitudeReversed=false] - Set it to True for planetary survey visualization
* @property {number} [opacity=1.0] - Opacity of the survey or image (value between 0 and 1).
* @property {string} [colormap="native"] - The colormap configuration for the survey or image.
* @property {string} [stretch="linear"] - The stretch configuration for the survey or image.
* @property {boolean} [reversed=false] - If true, the colormap is reversed; otherwise, it is not reversed.
* @property {number} [minCut] - The minimum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 0.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
* @property {number} [maxCut] - The maximum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 1.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
* @property {boolean} [additive=false] - If true, additive blending is applied; otherwise, it is not applied.
* @property {number} [gamma=1.0] - The gamma correction value for the color configuration.
* @property {number} [saturation=0.0] - The saturation value for the color configuration.
* @property {number} [brightness=0.0] - The brightness value for the color configuration.
* @property {number} [contrast=0.0] - The contrast value for the color configuration.
* JS {@link https://developer.mozilla.org/fr/docs/Web/API/FileList| FileList} API type
* @typedef {Object} FileList
* Tiles are accessed like so: HIPSLocalFiles[norder][ipix] = {@link File};<br/>
* The properties file is accessed with: HIPSLocalFiles["properties"]
* @typedef {Object} HiPSLocalFiles
* @property {File} properties - The local properties file of the HiPS
export let HiPS = (function () {
* The object describing an image survey
* @class
* @constructs HiPS
* @param {string} id - Mandatory unique identifier for the layer. Can be an arbitrary name
* @param {string|FileList|HiPSLocalFiles} url - Can be:
* <ul>
* <li>An http url towards a HiPS.</li>
* <li>A relative path to your HiPS</li>
* <li>A special ID pointing towards a HiPS. One can found the list of IDs {@link https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/hips/list| here}</li>
* <li>A dict storing a local HiPS files. This object contains a tile file: hips[order][ipix] = File and refers to the properties file like so: hips["properties"] = File. </li>
* A javascript {@link FileList} pointing to the opened webkit directory is also accepted.
* </ul>
* @param {HiPSOptions} [options] - The option for the survey
* @description Giving a CDS ID will do a query to the MOCServer first to retrieve metadata. Then it will also check for the presence of faster HiPS nodes to choose a faster url to query to tiles from.
function HiPS(id, location, options) {
this.added = false;
// Unique identifier for a survey
this.id = id;
this.options = options;
this.name = (options && options.name) || id;
this.startUrl = options.startUrl;
this.slice = 0;
if (location instanceof FileList) {
let localFiles = {};
for (var file of location) {
let path = file.webkitRelativePath;
if (path.includes("Norder") && path.includes("Npix")) {
const order = +path.substring(path.indexOf("Norder") + 6).split("/")[0];
if (!localFiles[order]) {
localFiles[order] = {}
let tile = path.substring(path.indexOf("Npix") + 4).split(".");
const ipix = +tile[0];
const fmt = tile[1];
if (!localFiles[order][ipix]) {
localFiles[order][ipix] = {}
localFiles[order][ipix][fmt] = file;
if (path.includes("properties")) {
localFiles['properties'] = file;
if (path.includes("Moc")) {
localFiles['moc'] = file;
this.localFiles = localFiles;
} else if (location instanceof Object) {
this.localFiles = location;
this.url = location;
this.maxOrder = options.maxOrder;
this.minOrder = options.minOrder || 0;
this.cooFrame = options.cooFrame;
this.tileSize = options.tileSize;
this.skyFraction = options.skyFraction;
this.longitudeReversed =
options.longitudeReversed === undefined
? false
: options.longitudeReversed;
this.imgFormat = options.imgFormat;
this.formats = options.formats;
this.defaultFitsMinCut = options.defaultFitsMinCut;
this.defaultFitsMaxCut = options.defaultFitsMaxCut;
this.numBitsPerPixel = options.numBitsPerPixel;
this.creatorDid = options.creatorDid;
this.errorCallback = options.errorCallback;
this.successCallback = options.successCallback;
this.colorCfg = new ColorCfg(options);
HiPS.prototype._fetchFasterUrlFromProperties = function(properties) {
let self = this;
.then((url) => {
if (self.url !== url) {
"Change url of ",
" to ",
self.url = url;
// If added to the backend, then we need to tell it the url has changed
if (self.added) {
.catch((e) => {
HiPS.prototype._parseProperties = function(properties) {
let self = this;
self.creatorDid = properties.creator_did || self.creatorDid;
// Cube depth
self.cubeDepth = properties && properties.hips_cube_depth && +properties.hips_cube_depth;
self.cubeFirstFrame = properties && properties.hips_cube_firstframe && +properties.hips_cube_firstframe;
// Max order
const maxOrder = PropertyParser.maxOrder(properties)
if (maxOrder !== undefined) {
self.maxOrder = maxOrder;
// Tile size
self.tileSize =
PropertyParser.tileSize(properties) || self.tileSize;
// Tile formats
self.formats =
PropertyParser.formats(properties) || self.formats;
// Min order
const minOrder = PropertyParser.minOrder(properties)
if (minOrder !== undefined) {
self.minOrder = minOrder;
// Frame
self.cooFrame =
PropertyParser.cooFrame(properties) || self.cooFrame;
// sky fraction
self.skyFraction = PropertyParser.skyFraction(properties);
// Initial fov/ra/dec
self.initialFov = PropertyParser.initialFov(properties);
self.initialRa =
properties &&
properties.hips_initial_ra &&
self.initialDec =
properties &&
properties.hips_initial_dec &&
// Cutouts
const cutoutFromProperties = PropertyParser.cutouts(properties);
self.defaultFitsMinCut = cutoutFromProperties[0];
self.defaultFitsMaxCut = cutoutFromProperties[1];
// Bitpix
self.numBitsPerPixel =
PropertyParser.bitpix(properties) || self.numBitsPerPixel;
// HiPS body
if (properties.hips_body) {
self.hipsBody = properties.hips_body;
// Use the property to define and check some user given infos
// Longitude reversed
self.longitudeReversed = true;
// Give a better name if we have the HiPS metadata
self.name = self.name || properties.obs_title;
self.name = self.name || self.id || self.url;
self.name = self.name.replace(/ +/g, ' ');
self.creatorDid = self.creatorDid || self.id || self.url;
// Image format
if (self.imgFormat) {
// transform to lower case
self.imgFormat = self.imgFormat.toLowerCase();
// convert JPG -> JPEG
if (self.imgFormat === "jpg") {
self.imgFormat = "jpeg";
// user wants a fits but the properties tells this format is not available
if (
self.imgFormat === "fits" &&
self.formats &&
self.formats.indexOf("fits") < 0
) {
throw self.name + " does not provide fits tiles";
if (
self.imgFormat === "webp" &&
self.formats &&
self.formats.indexOf("webp") < 0
) {
throw self.name + " does not provide webp tiles";
if (
self.imgFormat === "png" &&
self.formats &&
self.formats.indexOf("png") < 0
) {
throw self.name + " does not provide png tiles";
if (
self.imgFormat === "jpeg" &&
self.formats &&
self.formats.indexOf("jpeg") < 0
) {
throw self.name + " does not provide jpeg tiles";
} else {
// user wants nothing then we choose one from the properties
if (self.formats.indexOf("webp") >= 0) {
self.imgFormat = "webp";
} else if (self.formats.indexOf("png") >= 0) {
self.imgFormat = "png";
} else if (self.formats.indexOf("jpeg") >= 0) {
self.imgFormat = "jpeg";
} else if (self.formats.indexOf("fits") >= 0) {
self.imgFormat = "fits";
} else {
throw (
"Unsupported format(s) found in the properties: " +
// Cutouts
let minCut, maxCut;
if (self.imgFormat === "fits") {
// Take into account the default cuts given by the property file (this is true especially for FITS HiPSes)
minCut = self.colorCfg.minCut || self.defaultFitsMinCut || 0.0;
maxCut = self.colorCfg.maxCut || self.defaultFitsMaxCut || 1.0;
} else {
minCut = self.colorCfg.minCut || 0.0;
maxCut = self.colorCfg.maxCut || 1.0;
self.setOptions({minCut, maxCut});
// Coo frame
if (
self.cooFrame == "ICRS" ||
self.cooFrame == "ICRSd" ||
self.cooFrame == "equatorial" ||
self.cooFrame == "j2000"
) {
self.cooFrame = "ICRS";
} else if (self.cooFrame == "galactic" || self.cooFrame == "GAL") {
self.cooFrame = "GAL";
} else {
"Invalid cooframe given: " +
self.cooFrame +
'. Coordinate systems supported: "ICRS", "ICRSd", "j2000" or "galactic". ICRS is chosen by default'
self.cooFrame = "ICRS";
self.formats = self.formats || [self.imgFormat];
* Checks if the HiPS represents a planetary body.
* This method returns a boolean indicating whether the HiPS corresponds to a planetary body, e.g. the earth or a celestial body.
* @memberof HiPS
* @returns {boolean} Returns true if the HiPS represents a planetary body; otherwise, returns false.
HiPS.prototype.isPlanetaryBody = function () {
return this.hipsBody !== undefined;
* Sets the image format for the HiPS.
* This method updates the image format of the HiPS, performs format validation, and triggers the update of metadata.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {string} format - The desired image format. Should be one of ["fits", "png", "jpg", "webp"].
* @throws {string} Throws an error if the provided format is not one of the supported formats or if the format is not available for the specific HiPS.
HiPS.prototype.setImageFormat = function (format) {
let self = this;
self.query.then(() => {
let imgFormat = format.toLowerCase();
if (
imgFormat !== "fits" &&
imgFormat !== "png" &&
imgFormat !== "jpg" &&
imgFormat !== "jpeg" &&
imgFormat !== "webp"
) {
throw 'Formats must lie in ["fits", "png", "jpg", "webp"]';
if (imgFormat === "jpg") {
imgFormat = "jpeg";
// Passed the check, we erase the image format with the new one
// We do nothing if the imgFormat is the same
if (self.imgFormat === imgFormat) {
// Check the properties to see if the given format is available among the list
// If the properties have not been retrieved yet, it will be tested afterwards
const availableFormats = self.formats;
// user wants a fits but the metadata tells this format is not available
if (
imgFormat === "fits" &&
availableFormats.indexOf("fits") < 0
) {
throw self.id + " does not provide fits tiles";
if (
imgFormat === "webp" &&
availableFormats.indexOf("webp") < 0
) {
throw self.id + " does not provide webp tiles";
if (
imgFormat === "png" &&
availableFormats.indexOf("png") < 0
) {
throw self.id + " does not provide png tiles";
if (
imgFormat === "jpeg" &&
availableFormats.indexOf("jpeg") < 0
) {
throw self.id + " does not provide jpeg tiles";
// Switch from png/webp/jpeg to fits
if (
(self.imgFormat === "png" ||
self.imgFormat === "webp" ||
self.imgFormat === "jpeg") &&
imgFormat === "fits"
) {
if (Number.isFinite(self.defaultFitsMinCut) && Number.isFinite(self.defaultFitsMaxCut)) {
// reset cuts to those given from the properties
self.setCuts(self.defaultFitsMinCut, self.defaultFitsMaxCut);
// Switch from fits to png/webp/jpeg
} else if (self.imgFormat === "fits") {
self.setCuts(0.0, 1.0);
// Check if it is a fits
self.imgFormat = imgFormat;
* Sets the opacity factor when rendering the HiPS
* @memberof HiPS
* @returns {string[]} Returns the formats accepted for the survey, i.e. the formats of tiles that are availables. Could be PNG, WEBP, JPG and FITS.
HiPS.prototype.getAvailableFormats = function () {
return this.formats;
* Sets the opacity factor when rendering the HiPS
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} opacity - Opacity of the survey to set. Between 0 and 1
HiPS.prototype.setOpacity = function (opacity) {
* Sets the blending mode when rendering the HiPS
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {boolean} [additive=false] - When rendering this survey on top of the already rendered ones, the final color of the screen is computed like:
* <br />
* <br />opacity * this_survey_color + (1 - opacity) * already_rendered_color for the default mode
* <br />opacity * this_survey_color + already_rendered_color for the additive mode
* <br />
* <br />
* Additive mode allows you to do linear survey color combination i.e. let's define 3 surveys named s1, s2, s3. Each could be associated to one color channel, i.e. s1 with red, s2 with green and s3 with the blue color channel.
* If the additive blending mode is enabled, then the final pixel color of your screen will be: rgb = [s1_opacity * s1_color; s2_opacity * s2_color; s3_opacity * s3_color]
HiPS.prototype.setBlendingConfig = function (additive = false) {
* Sets the colormap when rendering the HiPS.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {string} [colormap] - The colormap label to use. See {@link https://matplotlib.org/stable/users/explain/colors/colormaps.html|here} for more info about colormaps.
* If null or undefined, the colormap type is not changed.
* Possible values are:
* <br>"blues"
* <br>"cividis"
* <br>"cubehelix"
* <br>"eosb"
* <br>"grayscale"
* <br>"inferno"
* <br>"magma"
* <br>"native"
* <br>"parula"
* <br>"plasma"
* <br>"rainbow"
* <br>"rdbu"
* <br>"rdylbu"
* <br>"redtemperature"
* <br>"sinebow"
* <br>"spectral"
* <br>"summer"
* <br>"viridis"
* <br>"ylgnbu"
* <br>"ylorbr"
* <br>"red"
* <br>"green"
* <br>"blue"
* @param {Object} [options] - Options for the colormap
* @param {string} [options.stretch] - Stretching function of the colormap. Possible values are 'linear', 'asinh', 'log', 'sqrt', 'pow'. If no given, will not change it.
* @param {boolean} [options.reversed=false] - Reverse the colormap axis.
HiPS.prototype.setColormap = function (colormap, options) {
this.setOptions({colormap, ...options})
* Sets the gamma correction factor for the HiPS.
* This method updates the gamma of the HiPS.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} minCut - The low cut value to set for the HiPS.
* @param {number} maxCut - The high cut value to set for the HiPS.
HiPS.prototype.setCuts = function (minCut, maxCut) {
this.setOptions({minCut, maxCut})
* Returns the low and high cuts under the form of a 2 element array
* @memberof HiPS
* @returns {number[]} The low and high cut values for the HiPS.
HiPS.prototype.getCuts = function () {
return this.colorCfg.getCuts();
* Sets the gamma correction factor for the HiPS.
* This method updates the gamma of the HiPS.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} gamma - The saturation value to set for the HiPS. Between 0.1 and 10
HiPS.prototype.setGamma = function (gamma) {
* Sets the saturation for the HiPS.
* This method updates the saturation of the HiPS.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} saturation - The saturation value to set for the HiPS. Between 0 and 1
HiPS.prototype.setSaturation = function (saturation) {
* Sets the brightness for the HiPS.
* This method updates the brightness of the HiPS.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} brightness - The brightness value to set for the HiPS. Between 0 and 1
HiPS.prototype.setBrightness = function (brightness) {
* Sets the contrast for the HiPS.
* This method updates the contrast of the HiPS and triggers the update of metadata.
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} contrast - The contrast value to set for the HiPS. Between 0 and 1
HiPS.prototype.setContrast = function (contrast) {
HiPS.prototype.setSliceNumber = function(slice) {
this.slice = slice;
if (this.added) {
this.view.wasm.setSliceNumber(this.layer, slice);
// Private method for updating the backend with the new meta
HiPS.prototype._updateMetadata = function () {
try {
if (this.added) {
this.view.wasm.setImageMetadata(this.layer, {
longitudeReversed: this.longitudeReversed,
imgFormat: this.imgFormat,
// once the meta have been well parsed, we can set the meta
ALEvent.HIPS_LAYER_CHANGED.dispatchedTo(this.view.aladinDiv, {
layer: this,
// Save it in the JS HiPS cache
} catch (e) {
// Display the error message
* Set color options generic method for changing colormap, opacity, ... of the HiPS
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {Object} options
* @param {number} [options.opacity=1.0] - Opacity of the survey or image (value between 0 and 1).
* @param {string} [options.colormap="native"] - The colormap configuration for the survey or image.
* @param {string} [options.stretch="linear"] - The stretch configuration for the survey or image.
* @param {boolean} [options.reversed=false] - If true, the colormap is reversed; otherwise, it is not reversed.
* @param {number} [options.minCut] - The minimum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 0.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
* @param {number} [options.maxCut] - The maximum cut value for the color configuration. If not given, 1.0 for JPEG/PNG surveys, the value of the property file for FITS surveys
* @param {boolean} [options.additive=false] - If true, additive blending is applied; otherwise, it is not applied.
* @param {number} [options.gamma=1.0] - The gamma correction value for the color configuration.
* @param {number} [options.saturation=0.0] - The saturation value for the color configuration.
* @param {number} [options.brightness=0.0] - The brightness value for the color configuration.
* @param {number} [options.contrast=0.0] - The contrast value for the color configuration.
HiPS.prototype.setOptions = function(options) {
// FIXME, change api of setColormap to take an option object having a name field
if (options.colormap == null || options.colormap == undefined) {
delete options.colormap;
this.options = {...this.options, ...options};
* Toggle the HiPS turning its opacity to 0 back and forth
* @memberof HiPS
HiPS.prototype.toggle = function () {
const opacity = this.getOpacity()
if (opacity != 0.0) {
this.prevOpacity = opacity;
} else {
* Old method for setting the opacity use {@link HiPS#setOpacity} instead
* @memberof HiPS
* @deprecated
HiPS.prototype.setAlpha = HiPS.prototype.setOpacity;
// @api
HiPS.prototype.getColorCfg = function () {
return this.colorCfg;
* Get the opacity of the HiPS layer
* @memberof HiPS
* @returns {number} The opacity of the layer
HiPS.prototype.getOpacity = function () {
return this.colorCfg.getOpacity();
HiPS.prototype.getAlpha = HiPS.prototype.getOpacity;
* Read a specific screen pixel value
* @todo This has not yet been implemented
* @memberof HiPS
* @param {number} x - x axis in screen pixels to probe
* @param {number} y - y axis in screen pixels to probe
* @returns {number} the value of that pixel
HiPS.prototype.readPixel = function (x, y) {
return this.view.wasm.readPixel(x, y, this.layer);
HiPS.prototype._setView = function (view) {
let self = this;
// do not allow to call setView multiple times otherwise
// the querying to the properties and the search to the best
// HiPS node will be done again for the same hiPS
if (this.view) {
this.view = view;
if (this.localFiles) {
// Fetch the properties file
self.query = (async () => {
// look for the properties file
await HiPSProperties.fetchFromFile(self.localFiles["properties"])
.then((p) => {
self.url = "local";
delete self.localFiles["properties"]
return self;
let isIncompleteOptions = true;
// This is very dirty but it allows me to differentiate the location from whether it is an ID or a plain url
let isID = this.url.includes("P/") || this.url.includes("C/")
if (this.imgFormat === "fits") {
// a fits is given
isIncompleteOptions = !(
this.maxOrder &&
(!isID && this.url) &&
this.imgFormat &&
this.tileSize &&
this.cooFrame &&
} else {
isIncompleteOptions = !(
this.maxOrder &&
(!isID && this.url) &&
this.imgFormat &&
this.tileSize &&
self.query = (async () => {
if (isIncompleteOptions) {
// ID typed url
if (self.startUrl && isID) {
// First download the properties from the start url
await HiPSProperties.fetchFromUrl(self.startUrl)
.then((p) => {
try {
// the url stores a "CDS ID" we take it prioritaly
// if the url is null, take the id, this is for some tests
// to pass because some users might just give null as url param and a "CDS ID" as id param
let id = self.url || self.id;
self.url = self.startUrl;
() => {
if (!self.added)
.then((p) => {
//self.url = self.startUrl;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} else if (!this.startUrl && isID) {
try {
// the url stores a "CDS ID" we take it prioritaly
// if the url is null, take the id, this is for some tests
// to pass because some users might just give null as url param and a "CDS ID" as id param
let id = self.url || self.id;
await HiPSProperties.fetchFromID(id)
.then((p) => {
self.url = p.hips_service_url;
} catch (e) {
throw e;
} else {
await HiPSProperties.fetchFromUrl(self.url)
.then((p) => {
} else {
hips_order: this.maxOrder,
hips_service_url: this.url,
hips_tile_width: this.tileSize,
hips_frame: this.cooFrame
return self;
/* Precondition: view is attached */
HiPS.prototype._saveInCache = function () {
let self = this;
let hipsCache = this.view.aladin.hipsCache;
if (hipsCache.contains(self.id)) {
hipsCache.append(self.id, this.options)
HiPS.prototype._add = function (layer) {
this.layer = layer;
let self = this;
const config = {
properties: {
creatorDid: self.creatorDid,
url: self.url,
maxOrder: self.maxOrder,
cooFrame: self.cooFrame,
tileSize: self.tileSize,
formats: self.formats,
bitpix: self.numBitsPerPixel,
skyFraction: self.skyFraction,
minOrder: self.minOrder,
hipsInitialFov: self.initialFov,
hipsInitialRa: self.initialRa,
hipsInitialDec: self.initialDec,
hipsCubeDepth: self.cubeDepth,
isPlanetaryBody: self.isPlanetaryBody(),
hipsBody: self.hipsBody,
meta: {
longitudeReversed: this.longitudeReversed,
imgFormat: this.imgFormat,
let localFiles;
if (this.localFiles) {
localFiles = new Aladin.wasmLibs.core.HiPSLocalFiles(this.localFiles["moc"]);
let fmt;
for (var order in this.localFiles) {
if (order === "moc")
for (var ipix in this.localFiles[order]) {
for (var f in this.localFiles[order][ipix]) {
if (f === "png") {
fmt = Aladin.wasmLibs.core.ImageExt.Png;
} else if (f === "fits") {
fmt = Aladin.wasmLibs.core.ImageExt.Fits;
} else {
fmt = Aladin.wasmLibs.core.ImageExt.Jpeg;
const tileFile = this.localFiles[order][+ipix][f];
localFiles.insert(+order, BigInt(+ipix), fmt, tileFile)
return Promise.resolve(this)
.then((hips) => {
this.added = true;
if (hips.successCallback) {
return hips
return HiPS;