Aladin Lite
An astronomical HiPS visualizer in the browser
Aladin Lite is a Web application which enables HiPS visualization from the browser. It is developed at CDS, Strasbourg astronomical data center.
See A&A 578, A114 (2015) and IVOA HiPS Recommendation for more details about the HiPS standard.
Aladin Lite is built to be easily embeddable in any web page. It powers astronomical portals like ESASky, ESO Science Archive portal and ALMA Portal.
More details on Aladin Lite documentation page. A new API technical documentation is now available.
Aladin Lite is available at this link.
Running & editable JS examples
Basic Aladin Lite setup | Load SIMBAD & NED catalog data | Load a FITS image |
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American Astronomical Society 225 example | Display proper motion vectors | Visualization of Mars |
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A release page keeps track of all the current and previous builds.
A release
and beta
versions, regularly updated are available. The beta
version is usually more advanced than the release
one but features more error prone and not production-ready code.
[!TIP] If you are working on a project that uses Aladin Lite, prefer working with a fixed version. Every build is tagged with a version number and accessible with:<version>/aladin.js
There is a new API documentation available here. Editable examples showing the API can also be found here.
Embed it into your projects
Terms of use: you are welcome to integrate Aladin Lite in your web pages and to customize its GUI to your needs, but please leave the Aladin logo and link intact at the bottom right of the view.
You can embed Aladin Lite it into your webpages in two ways
The vanilla way
Please include the javascript script of Aladin Lite v3 into your project. API differences from the v2 are minimal, here is a snippet of code you can use to embed it into your webpages:
<!doctype html>
<!-- Mandatory when setting up Aladin Lite v3 for a smartphones/tablet usage -->
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<div id="aladin-lite-div" style="width: 500px; height: 400px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
let aladin;
A.init.then(() => {
aladin = A.aladin('#aladin-lite-div', {fov: 360, projection: "AIT", cooFrame: 'equatorial', showCooGridControl: true, showSimbadPointerControl: true, showCooGrid: true});
NPM deployment
A NPM package is deployed and maintained. It is used by ipyaladin, a jupyter widget allowing to run aladin lite in a notebook.
npm i aladin-lite
Aladin Lite can be imported with:
<script type="module">
import A from 'aladin-lite';
// your code...
New features
- [X] Rust/WebGL2 new rendering engine
- [X] Remove jQuery dep
- [ ] UI dev, better support for smartphones
- [X] FITS images support
- [X] WCS parsing, displaying an (JPEG/PNG) image in aladin lite view
- [X] Display customized shapes (e.g. proper motions) from astronomical catalog data
- [X] AVM tags parsing support
- [X] Easy sharing of current « view »
- [ ] All VOTable serializations
- [ ] FITS tables
- [X] Creating HiPS instance from an URL
- [X] Local HiPS loading
- [X] Multiple mirrors handling for HiPS tile retrival
- [ ] HiPS cube
Aladin Lite is currently licensed under GPL v3.0
If you think this license might prevent you from using Aladin Lite in your pages/application/portal, please open an issue or contact us
Contribution guidelines
There are several ways to contribute to Aladin Lite:
report a bug: anyone is welcome to open an issue to report a bug. Please make sure first the issue does not exist yet. Be as specific as possible, and provide if possible detailed instructions about how to reproduce the problem.
suggest a new feature: if you feel something is missing, check first if a similar feature request has not already been submitted in the open issues. If not, open a new issue, and give a detailed explanation of the feature you wish.
develop new features/provide code fixing bugs. As open development is a new thing for us, we will in a first time only take into consideration code contribution (i.e. Pull Requests) from our close partners. In any case, please get in touch before starting a major update or rewrite.
Building steps
First you need to install the dependencies from the package.json Please run:
npm install
After that you are supposed to have the Rust toolchain installed to compile the core project into WebAssembly. Follow the steps from the Rust official website here You will also need wasm-pack, a tool helping compiling rust into a proper .wasm file.
Then you can build the project:
npm run build
[!WARNING] If you are experimenting Rust compiling issues:
- Make sure you have your wasm-pack version updated. To do so:
cargo install wasm-pack --version ~0.12
- Remove your
file andsrc/core/target
directory -- this ensures that you'd escape any bad compilation state:git clean -di
- Then recompile
npm run build
It will generate the aladin lite compiled code into a dist/
directory located at the root of the repository. This directory contains two javascript files. aladin.umd.cjs
follows the UMD module export convention and it is the one you need to use for your project.
Testing guidelines
Run the examples
A bunch of examples are located into the examples
To run them, start a localhost server:
npm run serve
Rust tests
These can be executed separately from the JS part:
- Compile the Rust code:
cd src/core
cargo check --features webgl2
- Run the tests:
cargo test --features webgl2
Snapshot comparisons
We use playwright for snapshot comparison testing. Only ground truth snapshots have been generated for MacOS/Darwin architecture. First install playwright:
npx playwright install
Run the tests, advises are given for opening the UI mode or for generating your own ground truth snapshots.
npm run test:playwright