- capacity() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
Returns the maximum number of elements that can be stored in this list.
- cds.healpix - package cds.healpix
Implementation of the HEALPix framework.
- cds.healpix.common - package cds.healpix.common
General codes not specific to HEALPix.
- cds.healpix.common.math - package cds.healpix.common.math
Package dedicated to math functions and bits hacks.
- cds.healpix.common.sphgeom - package cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Contains some spherical geometry classes.
- cds.healpix.fillingcurve - package cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Package dedicated to space filling curves.
- center(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- center(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
Returns the coordinates of the center of the cell defined by the given hash in the HEALPix
projection plane.
- center(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Compute the position on the unit sphere of the center (in the Euclidean projection plane)
of the cell associated to the given hash value.
- center(long, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
- circumCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the center on the unit sphere of the circumcircle of a
spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
- circumCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the center on the unit sphere of the circumcircle of radius r of
a spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
- circumRadiusSphe(double, double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the angular radius (in radians) of the circumcircle of a
spherical triangle of given side lengths a, b and c.
- circumRadiusSphe(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the angular radius (in radians) of the circumcircle of a
spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
- clear() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
- clear() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
- CompassPoint - Class in cds.healpix
Utility class simply defining enums.
- CompassPoint.Cardinal - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass cardinal points.
- CompassPoint.MainWind - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass main wind points.
- CompassPoint.Ordinal - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass ordinal points.
- computeDeepSize() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
- Cone - Class in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Defines a cone on the unit sphere.
- Cone(CooXYZ, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
- Cone(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
- Cone(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
- contains(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
Returns true
if the given point is inside the cone.
- contains(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns true
if the polygon contain the point p.
- contains(CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
- CooXYZ - Class in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Defines a coordinates on the unit-sphere, internally both Euclidean and Spherical coordinates
are storef.
- CooXYZ(double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
- CooXYZ(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
- copySign(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
- cos(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- cosO0(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the 0 order (constant).
- cosO2(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 2nd degree.
- cosO4(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 4th degree.
- cosO6(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 6th degree.
- cosQ(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute cosine in the first quadrant by subtracting input from PI/2 and
then calling sinQ.
- createCheck(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
- createCheck(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
- createPacking(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
- createPacking(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
We assume here that the given array is ordered, that no element overlaps another one, but that
the MOC is not normalized, i.e. a large cell may be splitted in 4 sub-cell (each sub-cell
possibly splitted in its 4 sub-cells recursively).
- createUnsafe(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Create a MOC considering that the given array is already a MOC: i.e. it is sorted (ASC order)
and do not contains duplicate or small cells included into larger one's.
- createUnsafe(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
- crossProd(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the cross-product of the two given vectors.
- HackersDelight - Class in cds.healpix.common.math
Utility class which takes its name from the book
"Hacker's Delight" by Henry S.
- HackersDelight() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
- HALF - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/2.
- HALF_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- halfOf(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
- hash(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputer
Returns the HEALPix hash value of the given coordinate at this object depth.
- hash(double, double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputerWithAux
Returns the HEALPix hash value of the given coordinate at this object depth.
- hash(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
This method is **not** thread safe.
- hash(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- hash2i0(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
- hash2i00(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
- hash2i00(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
- hash2ij(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
- hash2ijk(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
- hash2ijk(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
- HashComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
Computing a hash value may implies objects creations.
- HashComputerWithAux - Interface in cds.healpix
Compute an HEALPix hash value additionaly taking a 3rd dimension (the auxiliary axis).
- hasNext() - Method in interface cds.healpix.FlatHashIterator
Returns true
if the iteration has more elements.
- havDist(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the spherival distance (using the Haversine formula) separating the two given points.
- Healpix - Class in cds.healpix
Utility class containing HEALPix constants and operations which are independent of the depth.
- HealpixCLI - Class in cds.healpix
Simple and Basic CLI (Command Line Interface) for quick testing.
- HealpixCLI() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.HealpixCLI
- HealpixNested - Class in cds.healpix
Implementation of the HEALPix tessellation using the NESTED scheme: the NESTED scheme consists
in the concatenation of 12 z-order curves, one by HEALPix base cell.
- HealpixNestedBMOC - Class in cds.healpix
A BMOC is a MOC storing for each element a binary value telling if the cell is PARTIALY or
FULLY covered by a region.
- HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor - Interface in cds.healpix
Provides informations on the current element of the BMOC while iterating over it.
- HealpixNestedBMOC.Status - Enum in cds.healpix
Tells if an element of the MOC is covered or not by a region and, if covered, it tells is
the element is partially or fully covered.
- HealpixNestedFast - Class in cds.healpix
A faster, thread-safe, but ugly (sorry: less readable) version of
- HealpixNestedFast(int, FillingCurve2DType) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch - Class in cds.healpix
The idea of this class is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting
the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
- HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
The idea of this interface is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting
the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
- HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells - Enum in cds.healpix
- HealpixNestedPolygonComputer - Class in cds.healpix
- HierarchyItem - Interface in cds.healpix
The interface defines an item which is part of a Hierarchy.
- name() - Method in interface cds.healpix.AuxiliaryAxis
Returns the name of the auxiliary axis.
- neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
The hash value of the neighbour of the cell of given hash, in the given deirection.
- NeighbourList - Class in cds.healpix
Class storing the hash values of the neighbour cells of a cell of given hash, together with the
direction of each neighbour with respect to the central cell.
- NeighbourList(int) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
- neighbours(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- NEIGHBOURS - Static variable in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- neighbours(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Returns the list of the hash of the cells surrounding the cell defined
by the given hash.
- neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- NeighbourSelector - Interface in cds.healpix
In this interface methods, we do not used an
but a
1 - we want to avoid autoboxing (a map storing Long and not long).
2 - we want to transparently deal with cases in which there is no neighbour in a given direction.
- newComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch
To obtain new instances in case we want to use multi-threading,
since an object is possibly not thread-safe.
- newComputer() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
To obtain new instances in case we want to use multi-threading,
since an object is possibly not thread-safe.
- newConeComputer(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- newConeComputer4Xmatch(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
We suppose here that the radius of the (cross-match) cone is smaller that the typical size of
the cell by a factor at least 2 or 3.
- newConeComputerApprox(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Simpler version of the cone search, but at the cost of approximation (false positives).
- newHashComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- newHashComputerWithAux(AuxiliaryAxis) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
WARNING: the return object in not thread-safe!
- newNeighbourSelector() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
The internal
being thread-safe and unmutable, we return it instead
of creating a new instance.
- newPolygonComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- newVerticesAndPathComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- next() - Method in interface cds.healpix.FlatHashIterator
Returns the next element in the iteration.
- nextClockwise() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the next cardinal point in the clockwise direction.
- nextCounterClockwise() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the next cardinal point in the counter-clockwise direction.
- nHash(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of cells (so the number of distinct hash value) the unit sphere is divided
in at the given depth.
- nIsolatitudeRings(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of isolatitude rings at the given depth, i.e. the number of small circles
parallel to the equator containing HEALPix cell centers
- nlz(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Branch-free version of Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(int)
(also taken from the HD).
- normalizedSum(CooXYZ...) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the sum of the given vector, normalized so that the resulting vector is on the unit
- nside(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of cells along both axis of a base-resolution cell at the given depth.
- nVertices() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns the number of vertices the polygon contains.
- SAFE_MIN - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
- scalarProd(Vect3D) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Computes the scalar product of this point with given vectors.
- scalarProd(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Computes the scalar product of this point with given vectors.
- SIGN_BIT_MASK_I - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of an int or a float.
- SIGN_BIT_MASK_L - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of a long or double.
- signum(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- sin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- sinc(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Returns the cardinal sine function of the given angle, i.e. sin(x) / x.
- sincP(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- sinO1(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 1st degree.
- sinO3(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 3rd degree.
- sinO5(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 5th degree.
- sinO7(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 7th degree.
- sinQ(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute sine over the first quadrant (0 < x < pi/2).
- size() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
- size() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the number of elements the moc contains, i.e. the number of cells at various depth.
- size() - Method in interface cds.healpix.ListOfHash
Returns the current number of elements in the flat list.
- size() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
- sortByHashAsc() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
- sortByHashAsc() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
- spheDist(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Retruns the spherical distance separating the two given points.
- sqrt(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute the square root of a number.
- sqrt(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- SQRT2 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- SQRT2_INV - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- SQRT3 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- SQRT3_INV - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- SQRT6 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- sqrtOfOneMinusSin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
To be used when sin(a) is near from 1 and a high precision is needed on sqrt(1 - sin(a)).
- sqrtOfOneMinusSinPC(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
- statut(int, long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the status of the given hash at the given depth
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Ordinal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2DType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.Tile2HPX.WCSFrame
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Ordinal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2DType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.Tile2HPX.WCSFrame
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- vertex(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns the vertex located at the given index in the polygin vertex list.
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Compute the position of an HEALPix cell vertex on the unit sphere.
- vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
See #vertex(long, Cardinal)
, except that the result is stored in the given array.
- vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
- vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
- vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Returns the vertices located at the given cardinal points.
- vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
- VerticesAndPathComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
Interface defining methods used to compute the position (on the unit sphere) of HEALPix cells
center and vertices, and paths along HEALPix cells sides and edge.
- z() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
- ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_OR_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_OR_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_OR_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_XOR_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_XOR_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOC_VMSB_XOR_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant
bit (VMSB).
- ZOrderCurve2DImpls - Class in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Utility class containing several implementations of the z-order curve in two dimension.
- ZOrderCurve3D - Class in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Implementation of the 3d z-order curve based on lookup tables.