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abs(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
abs(long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
abs(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
abs(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
acos(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute the arc cosine of a number.
acos(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
ALL_CARDINAL_POINTS - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
EnumSet containing all elements of the CompassPoint.Cardinal enum.
ALL_MAIN_WINDS - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
arcCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the center of the arc define by the smallest distance (on the unit sphere) between the two given points.
arcCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Faster version of CooXYZ.arcCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) when we already know the distance between the two given points.
arraycopy(int, long[], int, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
arraycopy(int, long[], int, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.ListOfHash
Similar to System.arraycopy(Object, int, Object, int, int) except that the source is the internal list.
arraycopy(int, long[], int, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
asin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute the arc sine of a number.
asin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
asinc(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Returns the inverse of the cardinal sine function of the given argument, i.e. the inverse of sin(x) / x.
asincP(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Same as Math.asinc(double) but assuming the argument is positive.
asinO1(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
asinO3(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
asinO5(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
asinO7(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
atan(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Arctangent function
atan2(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
atanh(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Returns tanh-1(x), i.e. the inverse function of tanh.
AuxiliaryAxis - Interface in cds.healpix
Define an auxiliary axis, i.e. a 3rd dimension to be taken into account when computing an HEALPix index.


buildValue(int, long, boolean, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Creates a specific hash encoding the hash value at the given depth, the depth and the status flag.
BUT_EXPONENT_BIT_MASK - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate all but the sign bit of a long or double.
BUT_SIGN_BIT_MASK_L - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate all but the sign bit of a long or double.


capacity() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
Returns the maximum number of elements that can be stored in this list.
cds.healpix - package cds.healpix
Implementation of the HEALPix framework.
cds.healpix.common - package cds.healpix.common
General codes not specific to HEALPix.
cds.healpix.common.math - package cds.healpix.common.math
Package dedicated to math functions and bits hacks.
cds.healpix.common.sphgeom - package cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Contains some spherical geometry classes.
cds.healpix.fillingcurve - package cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Package dedicated to space filling curves.
center(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
center(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
center(long, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
Returns the coordinates of the center of the cell defined by the given hash in the HEALPix projection plane.
center(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Compute the position on the unit sphere of the center (in the Euclidean projection plane) of the cell associated to the given hash value.
center(long, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
See, except that the result is stored in the given array.
circumCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the center on the unit sphere of the circumcircle of a spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
circumCenter(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the center on the unit sphere of the circumcircle of radius r of a spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
circumRadiusSphe(double, double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the angular radius (in radians) of the circumcircle of a spherical triangle of given side lengths a, b and c.
circumRadiusSphe(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the angular radius (in radians) of the circumcircle of a spherical triangle of given vertices a, b and c.
clear() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
clear() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
CompassPoint - Class in cds.healpix
Utility class simply defining enums.
CompassPoint.Cardinal - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass cardinal points.
CompassPoint.MainWind - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass main wind points.
CompassPoint.Ordinal - Enum in cds.healpix
Enum defining the compass ordinal points.
computeDeepSize() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the number of cells at depth HealpixNestedBMOC.getDepthMax() the moc contains, i.e.
Cone - Class in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Defines a cone on the unit sphere.
Cone(CooXYZ, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
Cone(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
Cone(double, double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
contains(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
Returns true if the given point is inside the cone.
contains(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns true if the polygon contain the point p.
contains(CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
CooXYZ - Class in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Defines a coordinates on the unit-sphere, internally both Euclidean and Spherical coordinates are storef.
CooXYZ(double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
CooXYZ(double, double, double) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
copySign(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Returns the first argument with the sign of the second argument.
cos(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
cosO0(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the 0 order (constant).
cosO2(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 2nd degree.
cosO4(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 4th degree.
cosO6(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric cosine around a = 0 at the order of the 6th degree.
cosQ(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute cosine in the first quadrant by subtracting input from PI/2 and then calling sinQ.
createCheck(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Same a HealpixNestedBMOC.createUnsafe(int, long[]) except that the properties (array sorted, no duplicates, no cell included into an other one) is checked.
createCheck(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Same as HealpixNestedBMOC.createCheck(int, long[]) except that not we do not use the full array.
createPacking(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
createPacking(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
We assume here that the given array is ordered, that no element overlaps another one, but that the MOC is not normalized, i.e. a large cell may be splitted in 4 sub-cell (each sub-cell possibly splitted in its 4 sub-cells recursively).
createUnsafe(int, long[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Create a MOC considering that the given array is already a MOC: i.e. it is sorted (ASC order) and do not contains duplicate or small cells included into larger one's.
createUnsafe(int, long[], int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Same as HealpixNestedBMOC.createUnsafe(int, long[]) except that not we do not use the full array.
crossProd(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the cross-product of the two given vectors.


D0H_NEIGHBOURS - Static variable in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
For each of the 12 hash of depth 0, contains the list of the depth 0 neighbours sorted by increasing hash value.
DEFAULT_FCTYPE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Default implementation of the z-order curve.
depth() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputer
Returns the depth of the hash computed by HashComputer.hash(double, double) method.
depth() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputerWithAux
Returns the depth of the hash computed by HashComputerWithAux.hash(double, double, double) method.
depth(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of subdivision of a base-resolution pixel at the given nside.
depth() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
depth() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
depth() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HierarchyItem
Returns the depth of the item in a Hierarchy.
DEPTH_MAX - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
29, largest possible depth we can store on a signed positive long (4 bits for base cells + 2 bits per depth + 2 remaining bits (1 use in the unique notation).
dividedBy4Quotient(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
doz(int, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Doz stands for "difference or zero" (see p. 37 of HD).
doz(long, long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Doz stands for "difference or zero" (see p. 37 of HD).


EMPTY - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Implementation doing nothing (all methods return 0).
EPSILON - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
euclDist(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the Euclidean distance separating the two given points.
EXPONENT_BITS_MASK - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of a long or double.
externalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
externalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
externalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
externalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
externalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
externalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector


FastMath - Class in cds.healpix.common.math
Comes from the Apache FastMath class, and is thus under the Apache licence.
FastMath() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
fc - Variable in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
FillingCurve2D - Interface in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Interface defining a two-dimensional space-filling curve.
FillingCurve2DType - Enum in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
FillingCurve3D - Interface in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Interface defining a 3-dimensional space-filling curve.
FIVE_OVER_112 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 3/40.
FlatHashIterable - Interface in cds.healpix
Equivalent of Iterable but for FlatHashIterator.
FlatHashIterator - Interface in cds.healpix
Define an iterator over the primitive type 'long'.
flatHashIterator() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns an iterator on all the cells in the BMOC at the maximum depth.
FlatHashList - Class in cds.healpix
This class is used when the number of Hash returned y a function is not necessarily known in advance but has an upper bound.
FlatHashList(int, int) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
The capacity of the flat list, i.e. its maximum size, i.e the length of the internal array used to store the list elements.
floorInt(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
floorIntN(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
floorIntP(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
floorLong(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
floorLongN(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
floorLongP(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
flp2(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
FOUR_OVER_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
fromBits(long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight


get(int) - Method in enum cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2DType
get(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
get(int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.ListOfHash
Returns the element at the given index i in the list.
get(CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
get(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
getBestStartingDepth(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the the smallest depth (in [0, 29]) at which a shape having the given largest distance from its center to a border overlaps a maximum of 9 cells (the cell containing the center of the shape plus the 8 neighbouring cells).
getDepth() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor
Returns the depth of the BMOC element this cursor is pointing at.
getDepthMax() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the BMOC deeper depth.
getDirection(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
getHash() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor
Returns then hash value of the BMOC element this cursor is pointing at.
getLargestCenterToCellVertexDistance(double, double, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
For a given position on the unit sphere and a given depth, returns an upper limit on the distance between the center of a cell and its farthest vertex.
getNested(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Lazy instantiation of unique instances of HealpixNested for each required depth.
getNested(int, FillingCurve2DType) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Same as Healpix.getNested(int) except that we have here a given instance per depth and z-order curve implementation Healpix.DEFAULT_FCTYPE.
getNestedFast(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Same as Healpix.getNested(int) for HealpixNestedFast, i.e. faster but less readable version of HealpixNested.
getNestedFast(int, FillingCurve2DType) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Same as Healpix.getNested(int, FillingCurve2DType) for HealpixNestedFast, i.e. faster but less readable version of HealpixNested.
getOppositeDirection() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns the opposite direction.
getRadius() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch
Returns the radius of the cones, in radians.
getRadius() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
Returns the radius of the cones, in radians.
getRawValue() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor
getResultDepth() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch


HackersDelight - Class in cds.healpix.common.math
Utility class which takes its name from the book "Hacker's Delight" by Henry S.
HackersDelight() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
HALF - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/2.
HALF_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
halfOf(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
hash(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputer
Returns the HEALPix hash value of the given coordinate at this object depth.
hash(double, double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HashComputerWithAux
Returns the HEALPix hash value of the given coordinate at this object depth.
hash(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
This method is **not** thread safe.
hash(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
hash2i0(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Special case of FillingCurve2D.hash2ij(long) in which the discretized coordinate along the vertical axis equals zero.
hash2i00(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Special case of FillingCurve3D.hash2ijk(long) in which the discretized coordinate along the vertical axis equals zero.
hash2i00(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
hash2ij(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Transforms the given space filling curve index (or hash value) into a single value from which it is straightforward to extract the associated 2d-coordinates using methods FillingCurve2D.ij2i(long) and FillingCurve2D.ij2j(long).
hash2ijk(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Transforms the given space filling curve index (or hash value) into a single value from which it is straightforward to extract the associated 3d-coordinates using methods FillingCurve3D.ijk2i(long), FillingCurve3D.ijk2j(long) and FillingCurve3D.ijk2k(long).
hash2ijk(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
HashComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
Computing a hash value may implies objects creations.
HashComputerWithAux - Interface in cds.healpix
Compute an HEALPix hash value additionaly taking a 3rd dimension (the auxiliary axis).
hasNext() - Method in interface cds.healpix.FlatHashIterator
Returns true if the iteration has more elements.
havDist(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the spherival distance (using the Haversine formula) separating the two given points.
Healpix - Class in cds.healpix
Utility class containing HEALPix constants and operations which are independent of the depth.
HealpixCLI - Class in cds.healpix
Simple and Basic CLI (Command Line Interface) for quick testing.
HealpixCLI() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.HealpixCLI
HealpixNested - Class in cds.healpix
Implementation of the HEALPix tessellation using the NESTED scheme: the NESTED scheme consists in the concatenation of 12 z-order curves, one by HEALPix base cell.
HealpixNestedBMOC - Class in cds.healpix
A BMOC is a MOC storing for each element a binary value telling if the cell is PARTIALY or FULLY covered by a region.
HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor - Interface in cds.healpix
Provides informations on the current element of the BMOC while iterating over it.
HealpixNestedBMOC.Status - Enum in cds.healpix
Tells if an element of the MOC is covered or not by a region and, if covered, it tells is the element is partially or fully covered.
HealpixNestedFast - Class in cds.healpix
A faster, thread-safe, but ugly (sorry: less readable) version of HealpixNested.
HealpixNestedFast(int, FillingCurve2DType) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch - Class in cds.healpix
The idea of this class is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
The idea of this interface is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells - Enum in cds.healpix
HealpixNestedPolygonComputer - Class in cds.healpix
HierarchyItem - Interface in cds.healpix
The interface defines an item which is part of a Hierarchy.


i002hash(int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Special case of FillingCurve3D.ijk2hash(int, int, int) in which the discretized coordinate along the vertical axis equals zero.
i002hash(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
i02hash(int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Special case of FillingCurve2D.ij2hash(int, int) in which the discretized coordinate along the vertical axis equals zero.
ij2hash(int, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Transforms coordinates in a discretized 2d-plane into a space filling curve index.
ij2i(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Extract the discretized horizontal coordinates from the result of the method FillingCurve2D.hash2ij(long).
ij2j(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
Extract the discretized vertical coordinates from the result of the method FillingCurve2D.hash2ij(long).
ijk2hash(int, int, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Transforms coordinates in a discretized 2d-space into a space filling curve index.
ijk2hash(int, int, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
ijk2i(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Extract the discretized horizontal coordinates from the result of the method FillingCurve3D.hash2ijk(long).
ijk2i(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
ijk2j(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Extract the discretized vertical coordinates from the result of the method FillingCurve3D.hash2ijk(long).
ijk2j(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
ijk2k(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve3D
Extract the discretized depth coordinates from the result of the method FillingCurve3D.hash2ijk(long).
ijk2k(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
INSTANCE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve3D
internalCorner(long, int, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalCorner(long, int, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalCorner(long, int, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalCornerE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalCornerE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalCornerE(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalCornerN(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalCornerN(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalCornerN(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalCornerS(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalCornerS(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalCornerS(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalCornerW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalCornerW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalCornerW(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
internalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
internalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
internalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
intersectSegAB(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns true if an edge of the polygone intersects the line defined by the two given points.
isCardinal() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns true is this main wind direction is a cardinal point.
isFinite(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
isFull() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor
Returns true if the status the BMOC element this cursor is pointing at is HealpixNestedBMOC.Status.FULL.
isLatInNorthPolarCap(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns true if the given latitude is in the North polar cap
isLatInSouthPolarCap(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns true if the given latitude is in the South polar cap
isOrdinal() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns true is this main wind direction is an ordinal point.
isPowOf2(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Determines if an integer is a power of two, exact solution.
isPowOf2Fast(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Determines if an integer is a power of two, including 0.
iterator() - Method in interface cds.healpix.FlatHashIterable
iterator() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
iterator() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
iterator() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList


lat() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
LAT_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Index of the lattitude in the array containing the result of an unproject method.
LAT_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Index of the lattitude in the array containing coordinate on the unit sphere.
LAT_OF_SQUARE_CELL - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Latitude, in the equatorial region, for which the distance from the cell center to its four vertices is equal on the sky (i.e. the shape of the cell on the sky is similar to a square): dX = dY = 1 / nside (center to vertex distance) X = 4/pi * lon => dX = 4/pi dlon Y = 3/2 * sin(lat) => dY = 3/2 * cos(lat) dlat dlon * cos(lat) = dlat (same distance on the sky) => cos^2(lat) = 2/3 * 4/pi => lat = arccos(sqrt(2/3 * 4/pi)) = 22.88050802005781976715 deg = 0.39934019947897773410 rad
ListOfHash - Interface in cds.healpix
Interface defining a simple flat list of hash values (we do not use a Java List to avoid autoboxing.
log(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
LOG2 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
lon() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
LON_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Index of the longitude in the array containing the result of an unproject method.
LON_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Index of the longitude in the array containing coordinate on the unit sphere.


main(String[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
main(String[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.HealpixCLI
main(String[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
Math - Class in cds.healpix.common.math
Utility class to easily switch between java.lang.Math and another Math librarie like FastMath, and to define new functions like sinc (sinus cardinal = sin(x) / x).
Math() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
max(int, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Returns the greater of two values.
max(long, long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Returns the greater of two values.
mec(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the minimum enclosing cone, i.e. the cone containig the two given points and having the smallest possible radius.
mec(CooXYZ, CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the Minimum Enclosing Cone, i.e. the cone containig the three given points and having the smallest possible radius.
mec(CooXYZ...) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the Minimum Enclosing Cone, i.e. the cone containig all the given points and having the smallest possible radius.
min(int, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Returns the smaller of two values.
min(long, long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Returns the smaller of two values.


name() - Method in interface cds.healpix.AuxiliaryAxis
Returns the name of the auxiliary axis.
neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbour(long, CompassPoint.MainWind) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
The hash value of the neighbour of the cell of given hash, in the given deirection.
NeighbourList - Class in cds.healpix
Class storing the hash values of the neighbour cells of a cell of given hash, together with the direction of each neighbour with respect to the central cell.
NeighbourList(int) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
neighbours(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
NEIGHBOURS - Static variable in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
neighbours(long) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Returns the list of the hash of the cells surrounding the cell defined by the given hash.
neighbours(long, NeighbourList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Equivalent of NeighbourSelector.neighbours(long) but passing in argument the list object to be filled.
neighbours(long, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Idem as NeighbourSelector.neighbours(long, NeighbourList) except that the result is put in a simple FlatHashList.
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Equivalent of NeighbourSelector.neighbours(long, FlatHashList) but with the list of direction of the wanted neighbours.
neighbours(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.MainWind>, NeighbourList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
Equivalent of NeighbourSelector.neighbours(long, FlatHashList) but with the list of direction of the wanted neighbours.
NeighbourSelector - Interface in cds.healpix
In this interface methods, we do not used an EnumMap of CompassPoint.MainWind but a NeighbourList because: 1 - we want to avoid autoboxing (a map storing Long and not long). 2 - we want to transparently deal with cases in which there is no neighbour in a given direction.
newComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch
To obtain new instances in case we want to use multi-threading, since an object is possibly not thread-safe.
newComputer() - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
To obtain new instances in case we want to use multi-threading, since an object is possibly not thread-safe.
newConeComputer(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Returns a HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer, to be used in a distinct thread.
newConeComputer4Xmatch(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
We suppose here that the radius of the (cross-match) cone is smaller that the typical size of the cell by a factor at least 2 or 3.
newConeComputerApprox(double) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Simpler version of the cone search, but at the cost of approximation (false positives).
newHashComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
In multi-threaded environments, each thread must have its own HashComputer since HashComputer is not thread safe.
newHashComputerWithAux(AuxiliaryAxis) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
WARNING: the return object in not thread-safe!
newNeighbourSelector() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
The internal NeighbourSelector being thread-safe and unmutable, we return it instead of creating a new instance.
newPolygonComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Returns a new instance of HealpixNestedPolygonComputer at this object depth.
newVerticesAndPathComputer() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Returns a VerticesAndPathComputer, to be used in a distinct thread.
next() - Method in interface cds.healpix.FlatHashIterator
Returns the next element in the iteration.
nextClockwise() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the next cardinal point in the clockwise direction.
nextCounterClockwise() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the next cardinal point in the counter-clockwise direction.
nHash(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of cells (so the number of distinct hash value) the unit sphere is divided in at the given depth.
nIsolatitudeRings(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of isolatitude rings at the given depth, i.e. the number of small circles parallel to the equator containing HEALPix cell centers
nlz(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Branch-free version of Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(int) (also taken from the HD).
normalizedSum(CooXYZ...) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Returns the sum of the given vector, normalized so that the resulting vector is on the unit sphere.
nside(int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Returns the number of cells along both axis of a base-resolution cell at the given depth.
nVertices() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns the number of vertices the polygon contains.


ONE_FOURTH - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
ONE_OVER_120 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/120 = 1/5!.
ONE_OVER_24 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/24 = 1/4!.
ONE_OVER_2PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
ONE_OVER_5040 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/5040 = 1/7!.
ONE_OVER_720 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/720 = 1/6!.
ONE_OVER_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
ONE_SIXTH - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/6 = 1/6.
ONE_THIRD - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
ONE_THIRD - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 1/3.
oneMinusSin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
To be used when sin(a) is near from 1 and a high precision is needed on 1 - sin(a).
overlappingCells(double, double, long[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch
Fill the given array with the cells overallping the cone of given center (may include false positive).
overlappingCells(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
MOC of the cells having a part of their surface area in common with the given cone
overlappingCells(double, double, HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
Conveniency method to have a simgle entry point for the various possible cells-in-cone outputs.
overlappingCells(double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedPolygonComputer
overlappingCenters(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer
MOC of the cells which centers lie inside the given cone.
overlappingCenters(double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedPolygonComputer


pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
pathAlongCellEdge(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
See #pathAlongCellEdge(long, Cardinal, boolean, int).
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Compute points on a given side of a given HEALPix cell on the unit sphere.
pathAlongCellSide(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, CompassPoint.Cardinal, boolean, int, double[][]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
See #pathAlongCellSide(long, Cardinal, Cardinal, boolean, int).
PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
PI_OVER_FOUR - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Polygon - Class in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Class defines (and storing the vertices of) a polygon on the unit sphere.
Polygon(CooXYZ[]) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Create a new polygon from the given list of vertices, using the Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer.BASIC method to define its inside and outside.
Polygon(CooXYZ[], Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Create a new polygon from the given list of vertices, using the given method to define its inside and outside.
Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer - Enum in cds.healpix.common.sphgeom
Defines the method used to know if the south pole is in the polygon or in its complement.
pow(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
project(double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.AuxiliaryAxis
Project (or normalize) the given auxiliary axis value into the [0.0, 1.0[ range.
project(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Project the given spherical coordinates into the Euclidean plane, following the HPX WCS projection (see Calabretta2007).
project(double, double, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
project(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Project the given spherical coordinates into the Euclidean plane.
project(double, double, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.Projection
See Projection.project(double, double) with the result stored in the given array.
Projection - Interface in cds.healpix
Define a projection of spherical coordinates (in the unit sphere) to the Euclidean plane, together with the reverse operation.
put(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
put(ListOfHash) - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList


Q_17_OVER_315 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 17/215.


radiusRad() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
Returns the angle of the cone (the distance between its center and the its edge), in radians.
regularRingEncode(long, int, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Encode the given data into the ring scheme hash.
roots(double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Compute the number of real roots of the quadratic equation: q2*x^2 + q1*x + q0 = 0
roots(double, double, double, double, double[]) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
round(float) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
round(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math


SAFE_MIN - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
scalarProd(Vect3D) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Computes the scalar product of this point with given vectors.
scalarProd(CooXYZ) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Computes the scalar product of this point with given vectors.
SIGN_BIT_MASK_I - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of an int or a float.
SIGN_BIT_MASK_L - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
Bit mask to isolate the sign bit of a long or double.
signum(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
sin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
sinc(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Returns the cardinal sine function of the given angle, i.e. sin(x) / x.
sincP(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Same as Math.sinc(double) but assuming the argument is positive.
sinO1(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 1st degree.
sinO3(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 3rd degree.
sinO5(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 5th degree.
sinO7(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric sine around a = 0 at the order of the 7th degree.
sinQ(double, double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute sine over the first quadrant (0 < x < pi/2).
size() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
size() - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the number of elements the moc contains, i.e. the number of cells at various depth.
size() - Method in interface cds.healpix.ListOfHash
Returns the current number of elements in the flat list.
size() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
sortByHashAsc() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
sortByHashAsc() - Method in class cds.healpix.NeighbourList
sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedExternalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedExternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdge(long, int, CompassPoint.Ordinal, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeNE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeNW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdges(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdges(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeSE(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
sortedInternalEdgeSW(long, int, FlatHashList) - Method in interface cds.healpix.NeighbourSelector
spheDist(CooXYZ, CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Retruns the spherical distance separating the two given points.
sqrt(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.FastMath
Compute the square root of a number.
sqrt(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
SQRT2 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
SQRT2_INV - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
SQRT3 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
SQRT3_INV - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
SQRT6 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
sqrtOfOneMinusSin(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
To be used when sin(a) is near from 1 and a high precision is needed on sqrt(1 - sin(a)).
sqrtOfOneMinusSinPC(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
Same as Math.sqrtOfOneMinusSin(double) but limited to angle having a positive cosine (in practice cos(a/2 + PI/2) must be positive).
statut(int, long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns the status of the given hash at the given depth


tan(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
tanh(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
tanO1(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric tan around a = 0 at the order of the 1st degree.
tanO3(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric tan around a = 0 at the order of the 3rd degree.
tanO5(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric tan around a = 0 at the order of the 5th degree.
tanO7(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Returns the Taylor serie of the trigonometric tan around a = 0 at the order of the 7th degree.
TaylorSeries - Class in cds.healpix.common.math
Utility class continaing the Taylor expansion of a few trigonometric functions.
TaylorSeries() - Constructor for class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
THREE_OVER_40 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 3/40.
Tile2HPX - Class in cds.healpix
Tile2HPX(int, int, Tile2HPX.WCSFrame) - Constructor for class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
Tile2HPX.WCSFrame - Enum in cds.healpix
toBits(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.HackersDelight
toCardinal() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns the equivalent cardinal point in the CompassPoint.Cardinal enum.
toDeeperDepth(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
Returns a new BMOC having a deeper depth.
toDegrees(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
toEquaCooXYZ(CooXYZ) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
toFitsHeader(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
toFitsHeader(int, long, int, Tile2HPX.WCSFrame) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Tile2HPX
toLowerDepth(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC
toNested(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Returns the nested representation if the given ring hash.
toOrdinal() - Method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns the equivalent ordinal point in the CompassPoint.Ordinal enum (throws an IllegalArgumentException if the direction is not an ordinal point).
toRadians(double) - Static method in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
toRing(long) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
Returns the ring representation if the given nested hash.
toString() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Cone
toString() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
toString() - Method in class cds.healpix.FlatHashList
TRANSITION_LATITUDE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Limit on the |latitude (in radians)| between the equatorial region and the polar caps.
TRANSITION_Z - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Limit on |z|=|sin(lat)| between the equatorial region and the polar caps.
TWO_OVER_15 - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.TaylorSeries
Constant value equal to 2/15.
TWO_OVER_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math
TWO_PI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.common.math.Math


UI - Static variable in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Unique instance of this class (needed to implement the Projection interface).
uniq(int, long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Create the unique representation of the given hash at the given depth.
uniq2depth(long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Extract the depth from the unique representation of the hash.
uniq2hash(long) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Extract the hash from the the unique representation of the hash.
uniq2hash(long, int) - Static method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
Faster version of Healpix.uniq2hash(long) in case we know (or have already extracted) the depth.
unproject(double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.AuxiliaryAxis
Unproject (denormalize) the value from the [0.0, 1.0[ range.
unproject(double, double) - Method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
unproject(double, double, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.Healpix
unproject(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Reverse projection: we look for spherical coordinates from their projected coordinates (Projection.project(double, double).
unproject(double, double, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.Projection
See Projection.unproject(double, double) with the result stored in the given array.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Ordinal
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2DType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.Status
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cds.healpix.Tile2HPX.WCSFrame
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon.ContainsSouthPoleComputer
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Cardinal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.MainWind
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.CompassPoint.Ordinal
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2DType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedBMOC.Status
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cds.healpix.Tile2HPX.WCSFrame
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
vertex(int) - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.Polygon
Returns the vertex located at the given index in the polygin vertex list.
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Compute the position of an HEALPix cell vertex on the unit sphere.
vertex(long, CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
See #vertex(long, Cardinal), except that the result is stored in the given array.
vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNested
vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in class cds.healpix.HealpixNestedFast
vertices(long, EnumSet<CompassPoint.Cardinal>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
Returns the vertices located at the given cardinal points.
vertices(long, EnumMap<CompassPoint.Cardinal, double[]>) - Method in interface cds.healpix.VerticesAndPathComputer
VerticesAndPathComputer - Interface in cds.healpix
Interface defining methods used to compute the position (on the unit sphere) of HEALPix cells center and vertices, and paths along HEALPix cells sides and edge.


x() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
X_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Index of the x coordinate in the array containing the result of a project method.
xy2hash(double, double) - Method in interface cds.healpix.fillingcurve.FillingCurve2D
The default implementation (not implemented to stay compatible with Java Version < 8) should be: return ij2hash((int) x, (int) y).


y() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
Y_INDEX - Static variable in interface cds.healpix.Projection
Index of the y coordinate in the array containing the result of a project method.


z() - Method in class cds.healpix.common.sphgeom.CooXYZ
ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_LOOKUP_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_OR_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_OR_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_OR_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_XOR_BYTE - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_XOR_INT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOC_VMSB_XOR_SHORT - Static variable in class cds.healpix.fillingcurve.ZOrderCurve2DImpls
Z-Order Curve (ZOC) implementation in which the vertical coordinate carry the most significant bit (VMSB).
ZOrderCurve2DImpls - Class in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Utility class containing several implementations of the z-order curve in two dimension.
ZOrderCurve3D - Class in cds.healpix.fillingcurve
Implementation of the 3d z-order curve based on lookup tables.
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Copyright © 2018 F.-X. Pineau, CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Universite de Strasbourg, CNRS. All Rights Reserved.