Interface | Description |
AuxiliaryAxis |
Define an auxiliary axis, i.e. a 3rd dimension to be taken into account when computing
an HEALPix index.
FlatHashIterable |
Equivalent of
Iterable but for FlatHashIterator . |
FlatHashIterator |
Define an iterator over the primitive type 'long'.
HashComputer |
Computing a hash value may implies objects creations.
HashComputerWithAux |
Compute an HEALPix hash value additionaly taking a 3rd dimension (the auxiliary axis).
HealpixNestedBMOC.CurrentValueAccessor |
Provides informations on the current element of the BMOC while iterating over it.
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer |
The idea of this interface is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting
the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
HierarchyItem |
The interface defines an item which is part of a Hierarchy.
ListOfHash |
Interface defining a simple flat list of hash values (we do not
use a Java List to avoid autoboxing.
NeighbourSelector |
In this interface methods, we do not used an
EnumMap of CompassPoint.MainWind but a
NeighbourList because:
1 - we want to avoid autoboxing (a map storing Long and not long).
2 - we want to transparently deal with cases in which there is no neighbour in a given direction. |
Projection |
Define a projection of spherical coordinates (in the unit sphere) to the Euclidean plane, together
with the reverse operation.
VerticesAndPathComputer |
Interface defining methods used to compute the position (on the unit sphere) of HEALPix cells
center and vertices, and paths along HEALPix cells sides and edge.
Class | Description |
CompassPoint |
Utility class simply defining enums.
FlatHashList |
This class is used when the number of Hash returned y a function is not necessarily
known in advance but has an upper bound.
Healpix |
Utility class containing HEALPix constants and operations which are independent of the depth.
HealpixCLI |
Simple and Basic CLI (Command Line Interface) for quick testing.
HealpixNested |
Implementation of the HEALPix tessellation using the NESTED scheme: the NESTED scheme consists
in the concatenation of 12 z-order curves, one by HEALPix base cell.
HealpixNestedBMOC |
A BMOC is a MOC storing for each element a binary value telling if the cell is PARTIALY or
FULLY covered by a region.
HealpixNestedFast |
A faster, thread-safe, but ugly (sorry: less readable) version of
HealpixNested . |
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusCone4XMatch |
The idea of this class is to avoid making multiple time the same operations (like selecting
the optimal starting depth) in case of fixed radius cross-match.
HealpixNestedPolygonComputer | |
NeighbourList |
Class storing the hash values of the neighbour cells of a cell of given hash, together with the
direction of each neighbour with respect to the central cell.
Tile2HPX |
Enum | Description |
CompassPoint.Cardinal |
Enum defining the compass cardinal points.
CompassPoint.MainWind |
Enum defining the compass main wind points.
CompassPoint.Ordinal |
Enum defining the compass ordinal points.
HealpixNestedBMOC.Status |
Tells if an element of the MOC is covered or not by a region and, if covered, it tells is
the element is partially or fully covered.
HealpixNestedFixedRadiusConeComputer.ReturnedCells | |
Tile2HPX.WCSFrame |
Copyright © 2018 F.-X. Pineau, CDS, Observatoire Astronomique de Strasbourg, Universite de Strasbourg, CNRS. All Rights Reserved.