
class mocpy.WCS(fig, fov, center=<SkyCoord (ICRS): (ra, dec) in deg     (0., 0.)>, coordsys='icrs', projection='AIT', rotation=<Angle 0. rad>)[source]

Create a WCS for vizualizing a MOC in a matplotlib axis.


The matplotlib figure used for plotting the MOC.


Size of the field of view.

centerSkyCoord, optional

World coordinates matching with the center of the plot. Default to (0 deg, 0 deg) (in ICRS frame).

coordsysstr, optional

Coordinate system. Default to “icrs”. Must be in [“icrs”, “galactic”].

projectionstr, optional

World base -> Image base projection type. See for the projections currently supported in astropy. Default to Aitoff.

rotationAngle, optional

The angle of rotation. Default to no rotation.


The WCS that can be passed to mocpy.MOC.fill/border.


>>> from mocpy import MOC, WCS
>>> from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord
>>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> # Create a MOC
>>> moc = MOC.from_elliptical_cone(lon = 0 * u.rad,
...                                lat = 0 * u.rad,
...                                a = 50 * u.deg,
...                                b = 20 * u.deg,
...                                pa = 90 * u.deg,
...                                max_depth = 13,
...                                )
>>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
>>> with WCS(fig,
...           fov=200 * u.deg,
...           center=SkyCoord(0, 20, unit='deg', frame='icrs'),
...           coordsys="icrs",
...           rotation=Angle(0,,
...           projection="AIT") as wcs: wcs = wcs
>>> ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=wcs)
>>> # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object.
>>> moc.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="green")
>>> moc.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, color="black")