Source code for mocpy.moc.plot.wcs

import numpy as np

from astropy import coordinates
from astropy import wcs

import astropy.units as u

[docs] class WCS: """ Create a WCS for vizualizing a MOC in a matplotlib axis. Parameters ---------- fig : `~matplotlib.pyplot.figure` The matplotlib figure used for plotting the MOC. fov : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Size of the field of view. center : `~astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`, optional World coordinates matching with the center of the plot. Default to (0 deg, 0 deg) (in ICRS frame). coordsys : str, optional Coordinate system. Default to "icrs". Must be in ["icrs", "galactic"]. projection : str, optional World base -> Image base projection type. See for the projections currently supported in astropy. Default to Aitoff. rotation : `~astropy.coordinates.Angle`, optional The angle of rotation. Default to no rotation. Returns ------- wcs : `~astropy.wcs.WCS` The WCS that can be passed to mocpy.MOC.fill/border. Examples -------- >>> from mocpy import MOC, WCS >>> from astropy.coordinates import Angle, SkyCoord >>> import matplotlib.pyplot as plt >>> import astropy.units as u >>> # Create a MOC >>> moc = MOC.from_elliptical_cone(lon = 0 * u.rad, ... lat = 0 * u.rad, ... a = 50 * u.deg, ... b = 20 * u.deg, ... pa = 90 * u.deg, ... max_depth = 13, ... ) >>> fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) >>> with WCS(fig, ... fov=200 * u.deg, ... center=SkyCoord(0, 20, unit='deg', frame='icrs'), ... coordsys="icrs", ... rotation=Angle(0,, ... projection="AIT") as wcs: wcs = wcs >>> ax = fig.add_subplot(projection=wcs) >>> # Call fill with a matplotlib axe and the `~astropy.wcs.WCS` wcs object. >>> moc.fill(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, fill=True, color="green") >>> moc.border(ax=ax, wcs=wcs, alpha=0.5, color="black") """ def __init__( self, fig, fov, center=coordinates.SkyCoord(0, 0, unit="deg", frame="icrs"), coordsys="icrs", projection="AIT", rotation=coordinates.Angle(0, u.radian), ): self.w = wcs.WCS(naxis=2) width_px, height_px = fig.get_size_inches() * float(fig.dpi) cdelt_x = fov.to_value("deg") / float(width_px) cdelt_y = fov.to_value("deg") / float(height_px) cdelt = max(cdelt_x, cdelt_y) self.w.wcs.crpix = [width_px / 2.0, height_px / 2.0] self.w.wcs.cdelt = [-cdelt, cdelt] if coordsys == "icrs": self.w.wcs.crval = [center.icrs.ra.deg, center.icrs.dec.deg] self.w.wcs.ctype = ["RA---" + projection, "DEC--" + projection] elif coordsys == "galactic": self.w.wcs.crval = [center.galactic.l.deg, center.galactic.b.deg] self.w.wcs.ctype = ["GLON-" + projection, "GLAT-" + projection] theta = rotation.radian self.w.wcs.pc = [ [np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)], [np.sin(theta), np.cos(theta)], ] def __enter__(self): return self.w def __exit__(self, exception_type, exception_value, traceback): pass