Welcome to MOCPy’s documentation!


For contribution purposes the best thing to do is setting up a python environment that will act independently from your current installed interpreter and package manager.

Setting up the environment

Here we highlight two ways to set up an environment. Using conda (installed from miniconda or anaconda) or using the pip package virtualenv . Choose the one you prefer, or your own one.

Using conda

  • Set up the conda environment and activate it:

    conda create -n mocpy-dev python==3.12.*
    source activate mocpy-dev
  • Once you are done with your developments you can deactivate your conda environment:

    conda deactivate

Using virtualenv

  • Go to your home location:

    cd ~
  • Set up the virtual environment there:

    virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 mocpy-env

Virtualenv will create a directory named mocpy-env in your home. This directory contains a new independent python interpreter (in this case, a python3 one, instanciated from /usr/bin/python3) along with a new empty pip package manager.

  • Activate your virtual environment:

    source ~/mocpy-env/bin/activate

pip list will tell you that there is no package installed and python opens a session with the mocpy-env interpreter.

  • You can now install all the necessary pip packages for developing and testing MOCpy:

    pip install .[dev]
  • Once you are done with your developments you can deactivate the virtual env:


Pre-commits setup

  • You’ll need to install the pre-commits in your .git/hooks to check your code locally:

    pre-commit install

It will run linting and formatting tests at each of your commits.

Now build package

  • You will need to install maturin, a tool that builds and publishes crates and rust binaries as python packages:

    pip install maturin
  • Move to your root’s mocpy location and run maturin:

    maturin develop --release

This step will inform you of any issue in the rust part.

  • After a new version of mocpy goes out, if a maturin develop --release does not actualize your Cargo.toml file, you might need to before executing the maturin command again:

    rm Cargo.lock && cargo clean

Running the python tests

Once your environment is set up and activated you can run the tests

  • To run the automated tests and the doctring examples, go to the repo folder and type:

    python -m pytest -v python/mocpy
  • To run the tests with coverage report locally:

    python -m pytest -v python/mocpy --cov-report=term --cov=python/mocpy
  • When contributing to the notebooks:

    python -m pip install .[notebooks]
    python -m pytest --nbmake -n=auto "./notebooks"

You also can have a html output of the coverage with the flag --cov-report=html. This will generate an htmlcov folder where all the static html files can be found.

Building the documentation

To see the documentation locally, you’ll need to install the additional python dependencies with

pip install .[docs]

and the pandoc software (sudo apt-get install pandoc on ubuntu, choco install pandoc on windows, brew install pandoc on mac, pacman -S haskell-pandoc on arch).

  • To build the docs from the repo directory:

    cd docs
    make html
    cd ..

You will find the html index file in the docs/_build/html folder.