Tutorial: UI



This is a guide for users wanting to customize the apparence of Aladin Lite user interface.

CSS class names

There are distincts CSS class names for users wanting to personnalize the default elements. These classes are listed below:

  • aladin-stack-control targets the stack opener button
  • aladin-fullScreen-control targets the fullscreen control button
  • aladin-simbadPointer-control targets the Simbad pointer control button
  • aladin-grid-control targets the coordinate grid trigger button
  • aladin-settings-control targets the settings menu opener button
  • aladin-share-control targets the share menu opener button
  • aladin-projection-control targets the projection selector button
  • aladin-stack-box targets the stack box
  • aladin-status-bar targets the status bar frame
  • aladin-cooFrame targets the frame selector element
  • aladin-location targets the search bar and location information element
  • aladin-fov targets the field of view information display element

This example changes the position of the Aladin Lite search bar to the very top-left of Aladin Lite and it disables the frame.

<!doctype html>
        <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, height=device-height, maximum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">

<div id="aladin-lite-div" style="width: 768px; height: 512px"></div>

<script type="module">
    import A from '../src/js/A.js';
    let aladin;
    A.init.then(() => {
        aladin = A.aladin(
                survey: 'P/allWISE/color', // set initial image survey
                projection: 'AIT', // set a projection
                fov: 1.5, // initial field of view in degrees
                target: 'NGC 2175', // initial target
                cooFrame: 'icrs', // set galactic frame
                reticleColor: '#ff89ff', // change reticle color
                reticleSize: 64, // change reticle size
                showContextMenu: true,
    .aladin-location {
        position: absolute;
        left: 0.2rem;
        top: 0.2rem;

    .aladin-cooFrame {
        display: none;