Class: Catalog


new Catalog(options)

Constructor function for creating a new catalog instance.
Name Type Description
options Object Configuration options for the catalog.
Name Type Attributes Default Description
url string The URL of the catalog.
name string <optional>
"catalog" The name of the catalog.
color string <optional>
The color associated with the catalog.
sourceSize number <optional>
8 The size of the sources in the catalog.
shape string | function | Image | HTMLCanvasElement <optional>
"square" The shape of the sources (can be, "square", "circle", "plus", "cross", "rhomb", "triangle").
limit number <optional>
The maximum number of sources to display.
onClick string | function <optional>
Whether the source data appears as a table row or a in popup. Can be 'showTable' string, 'showPopup' string or a custom user defined function that handles the click.
readOnly boolean <optional>
false Whether the catalog is read-only.
raField string <optional>
The ID or name of the field holding Right Ascension (RA).
decField string <optional>
The ID or name of the field holding Declination (dec).
filter function <optional>
The filtering function for sources.
selectionColor string <optional>
The color to apply to selected sources in the catalog.
hoverColor string <optional>
The color to apply to sources in the catalog when they are hovered.
displayLabel boolean <optional>
false Whether to display labels for sources.
labelColumn string <optional>
The name of the column to be used for the label.
labelColor string <optional>
The color of the source labels.
labelFont string <optional>
"10px sans-serif" The font for the source labels.
const catalogOptions = {
  url: "",
  name: "My Catalog",
  color: "#ff0000",
  sourceSize: 10,
  markerSize: 15,
  shape: "circle",
  limit: 1000,
  onClick: (source) => { /* handle source click * },
  readOnly: true,
  raField: "ra",
  decField: "dec",
  filter: (source) => source.mag < 15,
  selectionColor: "#00ff00",
  hoverColor: "#ff00ff",
  displayLabel: true,
  labelColor: "#00ff00",
  labelFont: "12px Arial"
const myCatalog = new Catalog(catalogOptions);