
// Copyright 2013 - UDS/CNRS
// The Aladin Lite program is distributed under the terms
// of the GNU General Public License version 3.
// This file is part of Aladin Lite.
//    Aladin Lite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
//    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
//    the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License.
//    Aladin Lite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//    GNU General Public License for more details.
//    The GNU General Public License is available in COPYING file
//    along with Aladin Lite.

 * Aladin Lite project
 * File Aladin.js (main class)
 * Facade to expose Aladin Lite methods
 * Author: Thomas Boch[CDS]

import { MOC } from "./MOC.js";
import { GraphicOverlay } from "./Overlay.js";
import { Circle } from "./shapes/Circle.js";
import { Ellipse } from "./shapes/Ellipse.js";
import { Polyline } from "./shapes/Polyline.js";
import { Vector } from "./shapes/Vector.js";

import { Catalog } from "./Catalog.js";
import { ProgressiveCat } from "./ProgressiveCat.js";
import { Source } from "./Source.js";
import { Coo } from "./libs/astro/coo.js";
import { URLBuilder } from "./URLBuilder.js";
import { Footprint } from './Footprint.js';
import { Aladin } from "./Aladin.js";
import { ActionButton } from "./gui/Widgets/ActionButton.js";
import { Box } from "./gui/Widgets/Box.js";
import { AladinUtils } from "./AladinUtils.js";
import { Sesame } from "./Sesame.js";

// Wasm top level import
import init, * as module from './../core/pkg';

// Import aladin css inside the project
import aladinCSS from './../css/aladin.css?inline';

/////// Aladin Lite API ///////

 * @namespace A
 * @description Aladin Lite API namespace for creating celestial objects.
 * @example
 * // Usage example:
 * import { A } from 'aladin-lite';
 * const aladin = new A.aladin("#aladin-lite-div", { survey: 'your survey url', fov: 180, projection: 'SIN' });
let A = {};

//// New API ////
// For developers using Aladin lite: all objects should be created through the API,
// rather than creating directly the corresponding JS objects
// This facade allows for more flexibility as objects can be updated/renamed harmlessly

 * Creates an Aladin Lite instance within the specified HTML element.
 * @function
 * @name A.aladin
 * @memberof A
 * @param {string|HTMLElement} divSelector - The ID selector for the HTML element or the HTML element itself
 * @param {AladinOptions} [options] - Options for configuring the Aladin Lite instance.
 * @returns {Aladin} An instance of the Aladin Lite library.
 * @example
 *  var aladin;
 *  A.init.then(() => {
 *      aladin = A.aladin('#aladin-lite-div', {fullScreen: true, cooFrame: "ICRSd", showSimbadPointerControl: true, showShareControl: true, showShareControl: true, survey: 'https://alasky.cds.unistra.fr/DSS/DSSColor/', fov: 180, showContextMenu: true});
 *  })
A.aladin = function (divSelector, options) {
    let divElement;

    if (!(divSelector instanceof HTMLElement)) {
        divElement = document.querySelector(divSelector)
    } else {
        divElement = divSelector;

    // Associate the CSS inside the div
    var cssStyleSheet = document.createElement('style')
    cssStyleSheet.innerHTML = aladinCSS;

    return new Aladin(divElement, options);

 * Creates a HiPS image object
 * @function
 * @name A.HiPS
 * @memberof A
 * @param {string} id - Can be:
 * <ul>
 * <li>An http url towards a HiPS.</li>
 * <li>A relative path to your HiPS</li>
 * <li>A special ID pointing towards a HiPS. One can found the list of IDs {@link https://aladin.cds.unistra.fr/hips/list| here}</li>
 * </ul>
 * @param {HiPSOptions} [options] - Options describing the survey
 * @returns {HiPS} - A HiPS image object
A.HiPS = function (id, options) {
    return Aladin.createImageSurvey(
        options && options.name,
        (options && options.url) || id,
        options && options.cooFrame,
        options && options.maxOrder,

 * @function
 * @name A.imageHiPS
 * @memberof A
 * @deprecated
 * Old method name, use {@link A.HiPS} instead.
 A.imageHiPS = A.HiPS;

 * Creates a celestial source object with the given coordinates.
 * @function
 * @name A.image
 * @memberof A
 * @param {string} url - Options describing the fits file. An url is mandatory
 * @param {ImageOptions} [options] - Options describing the fits file. An url is mandatory
 * @returns {Image} - A HiPS image object
 * @example
*  aladin.setOverlayImageLayer(A.image(
 *       "https://nova.astrometry.net/image/25038473?filename=M61.jpg",
 *       {
 *           name: "M61",
 *           imgFormat: 'jpeg',
 *           wcs: {
 *               NAXIS: 0, // Minimal header
 *               CTYPE1: 'RA---TAN', // TAN (gnomic) projection
 *               CTYPE2: 'DEC--TAN', // TAN (gnomic) projection
 *               EQUINOX: 2000.0, // Equatorial coordinates definition (yr)
 *               LONPOLE: 180.0, // no comment
 *               LATPOLE: 0.0, // no comment
 *               CRVAL1: 185.445488837, // RA of reference point
 *               CRVAL2: 4.47896032431, // DEC of reference point
 *               CRPIX1: 588.995094299, // X reference pixel
 *               CRPIX2: 308.307905197, // Y reference pixel
 *               CUNIT1: 'deg', // X pixel scale units
 *               CUNIT2: 'deg', // Y pixel scale units
 *               CD1_1: -0.000223666022989, // Transformation matrix
 *               CD1_2: 0.000296578064584, // no comment
 *               CD2_1: -0.000296427555509, // no comment
 *               CD2_2: -0.000223774308964, // no comment
 *               NAXIS1: 1080, // Image width, in pixels.
 *               NAXIS2: 705 // Image height, in pixels.
 *           },
 *           successCallback: (ra, dec, fov, image) => {
 *               aladin.gotoRaDec(ra, dec);
 *               aladin.setFoV(fov * 5)
 *           }
 *       },
 *   ));
A.image = function (url, options) {
    return Aladin.createImageFITS(url, options, options.successCallback, options.errorCallback);

 * Creates a celestial source object with the given coordinates.
 * @function
 * @name A.source
 * @memberof A
 * @param {number} ra - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec - Declination (Dec) coordinate in degrees.
 * @param {Object} [data] - Additional data associated with the source.
 * @param {SourceOptions} [options] - Options for configuring the source object.
 * @returns {Source} A celestial source object.
 * @example
 * const sourceObj = A.source(180.0, 30.0, data, options);
A.source = function (ra, dec, data, options) {
    return new Source(ra, dec, data, options);

 * Creates a marker at the specified celestial coordinates.
 * @function
 * @name A.marker
 * @memberof A
 * @param {number} ra - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec - Declination (Dec) coordinate in degrees.
 * @param {MarkerOptions} [options] - Options for configuring the marker.
 * @param {Object} [data] - Additional data associated with the marker.
 * @returns {Source} A marker source object.
 * @example
 * const markerObj = A.marker(180.0, 30.0, data, options);
A.marker = function (ra, dec, options, data) {
    options = options || {};
    options['marker'] = true;
    return A.source(ra, dec, data, options);

 * Creates a polygon object using an array of celestial coordinates (RA, Dec).
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name polygon
 * @param {Array.<number[]>} radecArray - right-ascension/declination 2-tuple array describing the polyline's vertices in degrees
 * @param {ShapeOptions} options - Options for configuring the polygon
 * @throws {string} Throws an error if the number of vertices is less than 3.
 * @returns {Polyline}
A.polygon = function (raDecArray, options) {
    const lastVertexIdx = raDecArray.length - 1;

    // User gave a closed polygon, so we remove the last vertex
    if (raDecArray[0][0] == raDecArray[lastVertexIdx][0] && raDecArray[0][1] == raDecArray[lastVertexIdx][1]) {
        // but declare the polygon as closed

    options = options || {};
    options.closed = true;

    return new Polyline(raDecArray, options);

 * Creates a polyline shape
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name polyline
 * @param {Array.<number[]>} radecArray - right-ascension/declination 2-tuple array describing the polyline's vertices in degrees
 * @param {ShapeOptions} options - Options for configuring the polyline.
 * @returns {Polyline}
A.polyline = function (raDecArray, options) {
    return new Polyline(raDecArray, options);

 * Creates a circle shape
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name circle
 * @param {number} ra - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec - Declination (Dec) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} radiusDeg - Radius in degrees.

 * @param {ShapeOptions} options - Options for configuring the circle.
 * @returns {Circle}
A.circle = function (ra, dec, radiusDeg, options) {
    return new Circle([ra, dec], radiusDeg, options);

 * Creates an ellipse shape
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name ellipse
 * @param {number} ra - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec - Declination (Dec) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} radiusRaDeg - the radius along the ra axis in degrees
 * @param {number} radiusDecDeg - the radius along the dec axis in degrees
 * @param {number} rotationDeg - the rotation angle in degrees

 * @param {ShapeOptions} options - Options for configuring the ellipse.
 * @returns {Ellipse}
A.ellipse = function (ra, dec, radiusRaDeg, radiusDecDeg, rotationDeg, options) {
    return new Ellipse([ra, dec], radiusRaDeg, radiusDecDeg, rotationDeg, options);

 * Creates a vector shape
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name vector
 * @param {number} ra1 - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec1 - Declination (Dec) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} ra2 - Right Ascension (RA) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {number} dec2 - Declination (Dec) coordinate of the center in degrees.
 * @param {ShapeOptions} options - Options for configuring the vector.
 * @returns {Vector}
A.vector = function (ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, options) {
    options = options || {};
    options['arrow'] = true;

    return new Vector(ra1, dec1, ra2, dec2, options);

 * Creates a graphic overlay on the Aladin Lite view.
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name graphicOverlay
 * @param {Object} options - Options for configuring the graphic overlay.
 * @param {string} [options.color] - The color of the graphic overlay.
 * @param {number} [options.lineWidth] - The width of the lines in the graphic overlay.
 * @param {Array} [options.lineDash] - The dash pattern for the lines in the graphic overlay.
 * @returns {Overlay} Returns a new Overlay object representing the graphic overlay.
 * @example
 * var overlay = A.graphicOverlay({ color: '#ee2345', lineWidth: 3, lineDash: [2, 4]});
A.graphicOverlay = function (options) {
    return new GraphicOverlay(options);

 * Creates progressive catalog object (i.e. Simbad/Gaia)
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name catalogHiPS
 * @param {string} url - Root url of the catalog
 * @param {CatalogOptions} options - Options for configuring the catalogue.
 * @returns {ProgressiveCat} Returns a new Overlay object representing the graphic overlay.
 * @example
 * let gaia = A.catalogHiPS('http://axel.u-strasbg.fr/HiPSCatService/I/345/gaia2', {onClick: 'showTable', color: 'orange', name: 'Gaia', filter: myFilterFunction});
 * aladin.addCatalog(gaia)
A.catalogHiPS = function (url, options) {
    return new ProgressiveCat(url, null, null, options);

 * Creates a new coo from a longitude and latitude given in degrees
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name coo
 * @param {number} longitude - longitude (decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} latitude - latitude (decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} prec - precision
 * (8: 1/1000th sec, 7: 1/100th sec, 6: 1/10th sec, 5: sec, 4: 1/10th min, 3: min, 2: 1/10th deg, 1: deg
 * @returns {Coo} Returns a new Coo object
A.coo = function (longitude, latitude, prec) {
    return new Coo(longitude, latitude, prec);

 * Creates a new footprint from an array of polygons and optionally a source
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name footprint
 * @param {Circle[]|Polyline[]|Ellipse[]|Vector[]} shapes - an array of A.polygon objects
 * @param {Source} [source] - a A.source object associated with the footprint
 * @returns {Footprint} Returns a new Footprint object
A.footprint = function(shapes, source) {
    return new Footprint(shapes, source);

 * Parse shapes from a STC-S string
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name footprintsFromSTCS
 * @param {string} stcs - The STC-S string describing the shapes
 * @param {ShapeOptions} [options] - Options for the shape
 * @returns {Array.<Polyline|Circle>} Returns a list of shapes from the STC-S string
A.footprintsFromSTCS = function (stcs, options) {
    var footprints = GraphicOverlay.parseSTCS(stcs, options);
    return footprints;

 * Creates a new MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage) from an url
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name MOCFromURL
 * @param {string} url - The url to the MOC (e.g. stored as FITS file)
 * @param {MOCOptions} [options] - Display options for the MOC
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - Callback function when the MOC loads
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - Callback function when the MOC fails loading
 * @returns {MOC} Returns a new MOC object
A.MOCFromURL = function (url, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var moc = new MOC(options);
    moc.parse(url, successCallback, errorCallback);

    return moc;

 * Creates a new MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage) from a JSON-like dictionary (javascript Object)
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name MOCFromJSON
 * @param {Object} jsonMOC - The MOC stores as a JSON-like dictionary
 * @param {MOCOptions} [options] - Display options for the MOC
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - Callback function when the MOC loads
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - Callback function when the MOC fails loading
 * @returns {MOC} Returns a new MOC object
 * @example
 * var json = {
 *   "3": [517],
 *   "4": [2065,2066,2067,2112,2344,2346,2432],
 *   "5": [8221,8257,8258,8259,8293,8304,8305,8307,8308,8452,8456,9346,9352,9354,9736],
 *   "6": [32861,32862,32863,32881,32882,32883,32892,32893,33025,33026,33027,33157,33168,33169,33171,
 *   33181,33224,33225,33227,33236,33240,33812,33816,33828,33832,37377,37378,37379,37382,37388,
 *   37390,37412,37414,37420,37422,37562,38928,38930,38936,38948,38952],
 *   "7": [131423,131439,131443,131523,131556,131557,131580,131581,132099,132612,132613,132624,132625,132627,132637,
 *   132680,132681,132683,132709,132720,132721,132904,132905,132948,132952,132964,132968,133008,133009,133012,135252,135256,135268,135316,135320,135332,135336,148143,148152,148154,149507,149520
 *   ,149522,149523,149652,149654,149660,149662,149684,149686,149692,149694,149695,150120,150122,150208,150210,150216,150218,150240,150242,150243,155748,155752,155796,155800,155812,155816]
 * };
 * var moc = A.MOCFromJSON(json, {opacity: 0.25, color: 'magenta', lineWidth: 3});
 * aladin.addMOC(moc);
A.MOCFromJSON = function (jsonMOC, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var moc = new MOC(options);
    moc.parse(jsonMOC, successCallback, errorCallback);

    return moc;

 * Creates a new MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage) from an object describing a cone on the sky
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name MOCFromCone
 * @param {Object} circle - A object describing a cone in the sky
 * @param {number} circle.ra - Right-ascension of the circle's center (in deg)
 * @param {number} circle.dec - Declination of the circle's center (in deg)
 * @param {number} circle.radius - Radius of the circle (in deg)
 * @param {MOCOptions} [options] - Display options for the MOC
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - Callback function when the MOC loads
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - Callback function when the MOC fails loading
 * @returns {MOC} Returns a new MOC object
A.MOCFromCone = function (circle, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var moc = new MOC(options);
    moc.parse(circle, successCallback, errorCallback);

    return moc;

 * Creates a new MOC (Multi-Order-Coverage) from an object describing a polygon on the sky
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name MOCFromPolygon
 * @param {Object} polygon - A object describing a polygon in the sky
 * @param {number[]} polygon.ra - Right-ascensions of the polygon's vertices (in deg)
 * @param {number[]} polygon.dec - Declination of the polygon's vertices (in deg)
 * @param {MOCOptions} [options] - Display options for the MOC
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - Callback function when the MOC loads
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - Callback function when the MOC fails loading
 * @returns {MOC} Returns a new MOC object
A.MOCFromPolygon= function (polygon, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    var moc = new MOC(options);
    moc.parse(polygon, successCallback, errorCallback);

    return moc;

 * Represents a catalog with configurable options for display and interaction.
 * @function
 * @name A.catalog
 * @memberof A
 * @param {CatalogOptions} options - Configuration options for the catalog.
 * @returns {Catalog}
A.catalog = function (options) {
    return new Catalog(options);

 * Asynchronously creates a new catalog instance from the specified URL with additional options.
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromURL
 * @param {string} url - The URL of the catalog.
 * @param {CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for the catalog.
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @param {boolean} [useProxy=false] - Indicates whether to use a proxy for loading the catalog.
 * @returns {Catalog} A new instance of the Catalog class created from the specified URL.
 * @example
 * // Create a catalog from a URL using the A.catalogFromURL method
 * const catalogURL = "https://example.com/catalog";
 * const catalogOptions = {
 *   name: "My Catalog",
 *   color: "#ff0000",
 *   sourceSize: 10,
 *   // ... other options
 * };
 * const myCatalog = A.catalogFromURL(
 *   catalogURL,
 *   catalogOptions,
 *   (catalog) => {
 *     // Catalog successfully loaded
 *     aladin.addCatalog(catalog)
 *   },
 *   (error) => {
 *     // Error loading catalog
 *     console.error("Error loading catalog:", error);
 *   },
 * );
A.catalogFromURL = function (url, options, successCallback, errorCallback, useProxy) {
    options.url = url;
    var c = A.catalog(options);
    const processVOTable = function (table) {
        let {sources, fields} = table;

        const s_regionFieldFound = Array.from(Object.keys(fields)).find((f) => f.toLowerCase() === 's_region');

        if (s_regionFieldFound && typeof c.shape !== 'function') {
            // set the shape
            c.setShape((s) => {
                if (!s.data.s_region)

                const shapes = A.footprintsFromSTCS(s.data.s_region, options)
                let fp = new Footprint(shapes, s);

                return fp;

        if (successCallback) {

        if (sources.length === 0) {
            console.warn(c.name + ' has no sources!')

        // Even if the votable is not a proper ObsCore one, try to see if specific columns are given
        // e.g. access_format and access_url

    if (useProxy !== undefined) {
            c.raField, c.decField
    } else {
            () => {
                    c.raField, c.decField
            c.raField, c.decField

    return c;

 * Create a catalog from a SIMBAD cone search query
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromSimbad
 * @param {string|Object} target - can be either a string representing a position or an object name, or can be an object with keys 'ra' and 'dec' (values being in decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} target.ra - Right Ascenscion in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} target.dec - Declination in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} radius - Radius of the cone in degrees
 * @param {Object|CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for SIMBAD cone search. See this {@link https://simbad.cds.unistra.fr/cone/help/#/ConeSearch/get_ SIMBAD cone search} page for more explanations about the optional parameters you can pass here.
 * @param {number} [options.limit] - The max number of sources to return. The SIMBAD query will be truncated so that the output does not exceed that number of rows.
 * @param {string} [options.orderBy='nb_ref'] - Return the sources satisfying a specific order in priority. Default is descending order based on the ref number of the source i.e. sources will be returned from the most cited one at first to the least cited one at last.
 * Available values are: oid4, oid4ref, main_id, ra, dec, coo, otype, otype_label, pm, radvel, plx, dim, sp_type, morph_type, U, B, V, R, I, J, H, K, G, nb_ref, distance
 * @param {string} [options.orderDir='DESC'] - Change to 'ASC' for ascending order. By default, sources being the most referred are returned at first (i.e. 'nb_ref' in DESC order dir).
 * @param {number} [options.verbosity=2] - Verbosity, put 3 if you want all the column
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @returns {Catalog} A new instance of the Catalog class created from the SIMBAD cone search.
 * @example
 *  A.catalogFromSimbad('09 55 52.4 +69 40 47', 0.1, {onClick: 'showTable', limit: 1000}, (cat) => {
 *      aladin.addCatalog(cat)
 *  });
A.catalogFromSimbad = function (target, radius, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    options = options || {};
    if (!('name' in options)) {
        options['name'] = 'Simbad';
    let cat = A.catalog(options);
    new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let coo;
        if (target && (typeof target  === "object")) {
            if ('ra' in target && 'dec' in target) {
                coo = new Coo(target.ra, target.dec, 7);
        } else {
            var isObjectName = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(target);

            // Try to parse as a position
            if (!isObjectName) {
                coo = new Coo();
            } else {
                // object name, use sesame
                    function (data) { // success callback
                        // Location given in icrs at J2000
                        coo = new Coo(data.coo.jradeg, data.coo.jdedeg);
                    function (data) { // errror callback
                        if (console) {
                            console.log("Could not resolve object name " + target);

    }).then((coo) => {
        const url = URLBuilder.buildSimbadCSURL(coo.lon, coo.lat, radius, options)
        const processVOTable = function (table) {
            let {sources, fields} = table;
            cat.url = url;

            if (successCallback) {

            if (sources.length === 0) {
                console.warn(cat.name + ' has no sources!')

            cat.raField, cat.decField


    return cat;

 * Create a catalog from a NED cone search query
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromNED
 * @param {string|Object} target - can be either a string representing a position or an object name, or can be an object with keys 'ra' and 'dec' (values being in decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} target.ra - Right Ascenscion in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} target.dec - Declination in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} radius - Radius of the cone in degrees
 * @param {CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for the catalogue.
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @returns {Catalog}
 * @example
 * A.catalogFromNED('09 55 52.4 +69 40 47', 0.1, {onClick: 'showPopup', shape: 'plus'})
A.catalogFromNED = function (target, radius, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    options = options || {};
    if (!('name' in options)) {
        options['name'] = 'NED';
    var url;
    if (target && (typeof target === "object")) {
        if ('ra' in target && 'dec' in target) {
            url = URLBuilder.buildNEDPositionCSURL(target.ra, target.dec, radius);
    else {
        var isObjectName = /[a-zA-Z]/.test(target);
        if (isObjectName) {
            url = URLBuilder.buildNEDObjectCSURL(target, radius);
        else {
            var coo = new Coo();
            url = URLBuilder.buildNEDPositionCSURL(coo.lon, coo.lat, radius);

    return A.catalogFromURL(url, options, successCallback, errorCallback, true);

 * Create a catalog from a SKAORucio cone search query
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromSKAORucio
 * @param {string|Object} target - can be either a string representing a position or an object name, or can be an object with keys 'ra' and 'dec' (values being in decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} target.ra - Right Ascenscion in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} target.dec - Declination in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} radiusDegrees - Radius of the cone in degrees
 * @param {CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for the catalogue.
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @returns {Catalog}
 * @example
 * A.catalogFromSKAORucio('09 55 52.4 +69 40 47', 0.1, {onClick: 'showPopup', shape: 'plus'})
A.catalogFromSKAORucio = function (target, radiusDegrees, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    options = options || {};
    if (!('name' in options)) {
        options['name'] = 'SKAO';
    var url = URLBuilder.buildSKAORucioCSURL(target, radiusDegrees);

    return A.catalogFromURL(url, options, successCallback, errorCallback, true);

 * Create a catalog from a SKAORucio cone search query
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromVizieR
 * @param {string} vizCatId - the id of the ViZieR catalog
 * @param {string|Object} target - can be either a string representing a position or an object name, or can be an object with keys 'ra' and 'dec' (values being in decimal degrees)
 * @param {number} target.ra - Right Ascenscion in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} target.dec - Declination in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} radius - Radius of the cone in degrees
 * @param {CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for the catalogue.
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @returns {Catalog}
 * @example
 *      const cat = A.catalogFromVizieR('I/311/hip2', 'M 45', 5, {onClick: 'showTable'});
 *      const cat2 = A.catalogFromVizieR('I/311/hip2', '12 +9', 5, {onClick: 'showTable'});
A.catalogFromVizieR = function (vizCatId, target, radius, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    options = options || {};
    if (!('name' in options)) {
        options['name'] = 'VizieR:' + vizCatId;

    var url = URLBuilder.buildVizieRCSURL(vizCatId, target, radius, options);
    return A.catalogFromURL(url, options, successCallback, errorCallback, false);

 * Create a catalog from a SkyBot cone search query
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name A.catalogFromSkyBot
 * @param {number} ra - Right Ascenscion in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} dec - Declination in degrees of the cone's center
 * @param {number} radius - Radius of the cone in degrees
 * @param {string} epoch - Requested epoch, expressed in Julian day or ISO dateTime
 * @param {Object} queryOptions - options passed to SkyBot, see {@link https://vo.imcce.fr/webservices/skybot/?conesearch}
 * @param {CatalogOptions} [options] - Additional configuration options for the catalogue.
 * @param {function} [successCallback] - The callback function to execute on successful catalog creation.
 * @param {function} [errorCallback] - The callback function to execute on error during catalog creation.
 * @returns {Catalog}
A.catalogFromSkyBot = function (ra, dec, radius, epoch, queryOptions, options, successCallback, errorCallback) {
    queryOptions = queryOptions || {};
    options = options || {};
    if (!('name' in options)) {
        options['name'] = 'SkyBot';
    var url = URLBuilder.buildSkyBotCSURL(ra, dec, radius, epoch, queryOptions);
    return A.catalogFromURL(url, options, successCallback, errorCallback, false);

 * Creates a user interface button for Aladin Lite
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name button
 * @param {Object} options - Options for configuring the button.
 * @param {boolean} [options.toggled=false] - Whether the button is initially toggled.
 * @param {function} [options.action] - The callback function to execute when the button is clicked.
 * @param {string} [options.title] - The title attribute for the button.
 * @param {Object} [options.icon] - An icon object for the button.
 * @param {boolean} [options.disable=false] - Whether the button is initially disabled.
 * @param {HTMLElement|string|Widget} [options.content] - The content to be added to the button.
 * @param {CSSStyleSheet} [options.cssStyle] - The CSS styles to apply to the button.
 * @param {Object} [options.tooltip] - A tooltip.
 * @param {Object|string} [options.position] - The position of the button.
 * @param {string} [options.size] - The size of the button. Can be 'medium' or 'small'
 * @returns {ActionButton} Returns a new button object representing the graphic overlay.
 * @example
 * <!-- This example instanciates a customized button that when clicked, enters the user in
 * the polygonal selection mode. Once the polygon selection is done, the vertices are converted
 * to sky coords and a Multi-Order Coverage (MOC) is created from that list of sky coords. -->
<!doctype html>

<div id="aladin-lite-div" style="width: 512px; height: 512px"></div>

<script type="module">
    import A from aladin-lite;
    let aladin;
    A.init.then(() => {
        var aladin = A.aladin(
                survey: 'P/allWISE/color', // set initial image survey
                projection: 'AIT', // set a projection
                fov: 1.5, // initial field of view in degrees
                target: 'NGC 2175', // initial target
                cooFrame: 'icrs', // set galactic frame
                reticleColor: '#ff89ff', // change reticle color
                reticleSize: 64, // change reticle size
                showContextMenu: true,

        let btn = A.button({
            content: 'My button',
            classList: ['myButton'],
            tooltip: {cssStyle: {color: 'red'}, content: 'Create a moc in pink!', position: {direction: 'top'}},
            action(o) {
                aladin.select('poly', p => {
                    try {
                        let ra = []
                        let dec = []
                        for (const v of p.vertices) {
                            let [lon, lat] = aladin.pix2world(v.x, v.y);

                        let moc = A.MOCFromPolygon(
                            {ra, dec},
                            {name: 'poly', lineWidth: 3.0, color: 'pink'},
                    } catch(_) {
                        alert('Selection covers a region out of the projection definition domain.');

    .myButton {
        position: absolute;
        bottom: 0;
        left: 0;

        background-color: pink;
A.button = function(options) {
    return new ActionButton(options);

 * Creates a box user interface for Aladin Lite.
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name box
 * @param {Object} options - Options for configuring the button.
 * @param {Object} [options.header] - The header of the box
 * @param {boolean} [options.header.draggable=false] - Can move the window by dragging its title.
 * @param {string} [options.header.title] - A title name for the window
 * @param {HTMLElement|string|Widget} [options.content] - The content to be added to the button.
 * @param {CSSStyleSheet} [options.cssStyle] - The CSS styles to apply to the button.
 * @param {Object|string} [options.position] - The position of the button.
 * @returns {Box} Returns a new box window object.
 * @example
 *   let box = A.box({
 *       header: {
 *           title: "My window",
 *           draggable: true,
 *       },
 *       // Adding a CSS class allowing you to position your window on the aladin lite view
 *       classList: ['myBox'],
 *       content: "This is the content of my window<br/> I can write proper html",
 *   })
 *   aladin.addUI(box)
A.box = function(options) {
    return new Box(options)

 * Returns Utils object.
 * This contains utilitary methods such as HEALPix basic or projection methods.
 * @function
 * @memberof A
 * @name Utils
 * @returns {AladinUtils} Returns a new box window object.
A.Utils = AladinUtils;

 * Initializes the Aladin Lite library, checking for WebGL2 support.
 * This method must be called before instancing an Aladin Lite object.
 * @function
 * @name A.init
 * @memberof A
 * @async
 * @throws {string} Throws an error if WebGL2 is not supported by the browser.
 * @returns {Promise<void>} A promise that resolves once the initialization is complete.
 * @example
 * // Usage example:
 * A.init
 *   .then(async () => {
 *     const aladinInstance = A.aladin('div', requestedOptions);
 *     // Perform further actions with the Aladin Lite instance
 *   })
 *   .catch(error => {
 *     console.error('Error initializing Aladin Lite:', error);
 *   });
A.init = (async () => {
    const isWebGL2Supported = document

    await init({});
    // Check for webgl2 support
    if (isWebGL2Supported) {
        Aladin.wasmLibs.core = module;
    } else {
        // WebGL1 not supported
        // According to caniuse, https://caniuse.com/webgl2, webgl2 is supported by 89% of users
        throw "WebGL2 not supported by your browser";

export default A;