This section describes how you can contribute to the project. It will require you to install:
Rustup: the Rust installer and version management tool
maturin PyPI package, see also on [pypi](
virtualenv PyPi package
For running the basic tests: pytest
For running the benchmarks: pytest_benchmark astropy_healpix
Compiling the cdshealpix Rust dynamic library¶
Setting up your development environment¶
If you want to contribute you first must download Rustup:
curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
and follow the installation instructions.
Rustup will allow you to compile the shared library for your local architecture. You will then obtain a .so (Linux/MacOS) or a .pyd (Windows) file that can be loaded and called from python.
Then you can create a new virtual environment (using the virtualenv package) by specifying the version of python you need. Let is call it cdshealpix-env
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 cdshealpix-env
Activate it:
source cdshealpix-env/bin/activate
Install all the python dependencies and the pre-commits hooks for contributing:
pip install -r <path_to_cloned_repo>/requirements-dev.txt
pip install -r <path_to_cloned_repo>/requirements-bench.txt
pre-commit install
At this moment you have correctly set up your development environment. When you will be done with your developments, remember to deactivate your environment by typing `deactivate`
The next step tells you how to generate the shared library associated with cdshealpix
Dynamic library compilation¶
The generation of the shared library is managed by [maturin]( Just go to the root of your cloned repo:
cd <path_to_cloned_repo>
and run this command:
pip install maturin
maturin develop --release
The generated .so will be located in a target/release folder. Just copy it from target/release to cdshealpix:
You do not have to recompile the dynamic library every time if you just work on the python-side code. It is only necessary if you want to update the Rust code located in src/
Remark: if you pull a new version and get errors, you may have to remove Cargo.lock
before executing maturin develop --release
Running the tests¶
For running the tests + benchmarks:
cd python
python -m pytest -v cdshealpix
For running only the benchmarks:
cd python
python -m pytest -v cdshealpix/tests/
cd ..
Working on the documentation¶
To work on the documentation you have to install a few more packages:
sphinx is responsible for building the documentation in HTML.
numpydoc defines a very convenient way to write API documentation by introducing the numpy docstring format.
sphinxcontrib-bibtex allows to add bibtex references to the documentation.
mocpy is used to generate plots of the HEALPix cells obtained.
matplotlib is used by
for plotting purposes.
These packages can be installed via pip but are already referred in requirements-doc.txt
. So if you did a:
pip install -r <path_to_cloned_repo>/requirements-doc.txt
Then they are already installed.
To build the documentation:
cd docs
make html
make doctest
cd ..
The HTML files can then be consulted:
firefox docs/_build/html/index.html &